It is not known why, but folk wisdom claims that a broken vase is fortunate! Perhaps they began to think so, so as not to worry too much about the loss of a fragile beautiful vessel. And the relationship with the guests does not deteriorate, because their clumsiness in the form of a broken plate or vase turns out to be a good omen for the hosts.
What consequences to expect from a broken vase
If a vase breaks in your house for no apparent reason, don't worry. On the contrary, the fragments of the vessel, in contrast to the mirrored remains, predict a long period of success and prosperity, which will last for the owner 6 or 7 years (according to various sources). To learn more about the upcoming changes, pay attention to the details of the unexpected event.
Fell on its own or was dropped by the owners
If the hostess herself or one of her family members living in the house accidentally broke a beautiful vase, this promises success in business.
If a vase stood on a table or other piece of furniture and then fell by itself, this should not cause concern. This is what such an incident promises:
- the birth of a child in an existing family;
- meeting with the love of all life, pleasant wedding chores (for single people).
Attention! It makes no sense to break a vase on purpose; on the contrary, it can bring big problems to life.
Another important point. If the vessel is on the floor just before the arrival of guests, this promises a scandal instead of a friendly pastime or a quarrel with the owners in the future.
The broken vase was empty or filled with something
The folk omen about a broken vase says nothing about what should be in the container. It can be empty or with a bouquet of flowers – a good prophecy does not lose its power.
You just need to remember – you are not supposed to keep an empty vase in a conspicuous place in the house. This is due to the love of 'evil spirits' to settle in emptiness. To preserve the positive energy of the home, the vessels must either be filled with something or hidden behind the cabinet doors. If this is not possible, it will be enough to cover the empty container with a cloth.
Breaks into small or large pieces
When removing shards of the fragile 'prophetess', you should pay attention to the result of the battle. The smaller the size of the fragments, the more joyful events await you.
Attention! Do not be discouraged and do not feel sorry for the broken vase, even if it was your favorite thing, otherwise you can offend happiness, and it will turn away from you.
What does a cracked vase mean?
You cannot leave a container with a crack in the house. Connoisseurs of subtle matters argue that any object that has lost its integrity accumulates negative energy and transfers it to the residents of the house. Cracks in the dishes bring quarrels, and chips – endless chores, luck and well-being quickly leave the house.
Even if you are a very thrifty person with 'golden hands', you should not try to restore broken dishes. It is better to get rid of it 'once and for all', finally smash it 'for good luck' near the trash can.
What are the signs if a stranger broke the vase?
To spoil an expensive thing in someone else's house is a very unpleasant event: sadness for the owners, awkwardness for the guest. But when it comes to a vase, you don't have to be upset. A good forecast for a happy life more than pays for such a trifle as the loss of an interior item. The prediction of 7 years of well-being in the house is valid if a fragile flower vessel is broken by a guest.
What to do with a broken vase?
Since a broken vase in most cases does not bode well, no protective rituals need to be performed. But if something frightening starts happening around you, for example, dishes are beating in huge quantities, perhaps the brownie is unhappy with something. We urgently need to appease the invisible bully. A saucer of milk or a few sweets left overnight in a secluded corner will help correct the situation.
If signs predict a quarrel or loss, dispose of the broken dishes in the usual way. Without touching the fragments with your hands, sweep them on a scoop, put them in a bag and take them to the trash heap. Throwing away the shards, say: 'Bito-stab, ground with trouble, I will leave it in a vacant lot, I will send happiness to the house.
Why dream of a broken vase
A dream containing a broken vase is a signal of an unstable situation in life, which can worsen at any time. Family well-being is threatened by unforeseen circumstances, so it is worth showing increased sensitivity and tolerance towards loved ones. In addition to troubles, a dream about a broken vase can mean a change in mood, perhaps even for the better.
All the nuances of sleep matter.
How was the flower container broken?
- The vase was smashed in an angry outburst – you are nervous, because you are preparing for the implementation of your big plans.
- The vessel fell by accident – a sign that you need to think over the planned case once again, there is a risk of error.
- By negligence, a beloved vase died – to the loss of a loved one (or a break in relations).
- Another person has damaged your beautiful thing – to a quarrel with a loved one through his fault.
In general, breaking any dishes in a dream is bad, a sign speaks of torment due to powerlessness to change something in the near future.
What was the vessel made of?
The material for making a vase broken in a dream clarifies the interpretation:
- crystal – expect positive changes in love and business;
- glass – you will have to give up a profitable business;
- porcelain – portends a streak of failures;
- ceramics – prepare for a dangerous turn of events;
- clay – get a tempting offer;
- plastic – disappointments are inevitable.
Broken object type
By the type and number of fragments, you can judge a lot:
- cracked container with flowers – failure in love;
- the vessel split in half – a divorce and final separation are coming;
- one splinter – dissatisfied loved ones will find fault with you;
- many small fragments – the establishment of family life;
- a container glued from pieces – a temporary reconciliation after a serious quarrel;
- the vase, which fell by itself, shattered to smithereens – withdrawal from affairs and society, seclusion.
Other interpretations
There are other explanations for the dream with a broken vase. It is possible that if you deliberately broke a bowl of flowers during sleep, then you will change the manifestations of romantic emotions characteristic of yourself.
If you are lucky enough to see someone who dropped the vase, you can expect big luck, for example, in a game or lottery.
A vase broken in a dream can be a symbol of getting rid of suspiciousness, anxiety, complexes, habits. An accidentally broken flower vessel portends injury or wounds.
If in a dream you had to glue a cracked vessel, then you will have to do work that does not bring either money or moral satisfaction.
Folk signs that have appeared long ago do not lose their relevance. Use this wealth of experience to predict the future. Is there a pile of fragments left from your favorite vase? Don't be discouraged, think about the upcoming luck!