Broken wine glass or glass: what the signs say

Broken wine glass or glass

Dishes smashed – good luck! With these words, people usually remove a broken glass from the floor and throw the shards into the trash, instantly forgetting about a minor nuisance. But if you believe the signs, then it's not so simple. For the correct interpretation of the prediction, you need to know exactly how the dishes broke, whether they fell accidentally or intentionally.

Why are glasses beating

It is popularly believed that breaking a glass is not a particularly good omen. Knowledgeable people advise to sweep away all the fragments as soon as possible and throw them not into the household trash can, but immediately into the street trash can – away from trouble. Although there are many traditions, following which people deliberately smashed glassware in order to be happy, rich and lucky.

What to believe? After all, to this day there is a sign according to which, if you break a glass at some celebration, then this will lead to inevitable happiness. And it doesn't matter whether the dishes were broken by accident or by negligence: happiness will definitely knock on the house.

Even the gallant officers of the tsarist army, after the toast uttered, smashed the glass with force on the floor. The victim “pot-bellied victim” served as a guarantee that all good wishes will come true, and each of the guests present will receive their share of luck.

Why are glasses beating

Any esotericist will say that if fragile kitchen utensils regularly slip out of hands, then the person is overwhelmed with negativity and bad thoughts. So the subconscious lets the owner know that it is time to deal with the problems that have oppressed him for a long time. In China, for example, there is a special restaurant where customers can not only enjoy delicious food and drinks, but also relieve stress by splitting any object taken from the table against the wall.

Here are some signs associated with broken glasses:

  • a glass donated by someone has broken – soon a serious quarrel will occur between the donor and the broken one, and communication will stop;
  • a lonely person dropped a glass – to a romantic relationship;
  • the dishes broke during washing – an imminent feast is planned;
  • glass utensils were broken by a drunk person – to the loss of health;
  • the glass broke during a quarrel – the truce will not be in the house for a long time, relations will only worsen;
  • glassware shattered on a birthday – to longevity, profit and happiness;
  • the glass broke on New Year's holidays – all year the family will be accompanied by success in all endeavors;
  • a glass or wine glass was scattered on Monday – all the planned cases will be decided soon;
  • glassware accidentally slipped out of hands on Saturday – you can safely board the plane of the most dubious airline – luck will certainly be on the side of the perpetrator of the incident, and he will calmly fly to the other end of the world;
  • if a minor trouble happened on Sunday, family problems should be expected;
  • the wife accidentally broke her husband's favorite glass – a stranger is looking at him, even if the 'heartthrob' himself does not know about it.

broken glass

If cracked or burst in the hand

Guests will not appear in the house because of a difficult financial situation or life troubles, if the owner bursts (cracks) a dirty old glass in his hand. If the dishes were new and clean, then soon there will be no end to the guests, and the house will become a full bowl.

  1. If the awkwardness has happened to a married woman, then she needs to closely monitor her soul mate. Probably, there will be a serious quarrel over a rival. After all, the crunch of glass symbolizes a broken relationship with a spouse.
  2. The vessel suddenly burst in the hands of an unmarried girl – separation from the groom is ahead.
  3. The glass cracked by itself – one should expect illness of close relatives.
  4. I looked through a broken glass – expect misfortune.

If you break off the leg

There is a wonderful wedding fortune-telling: the groom and the bride simultaneously throw glasses on the floor and see who has the leg of the dishes unharmed. If the groom's glass wins, then the boy will be the firstborn in the family, and if the bride is lucky, the girl will be the first to be born. If the youngsters' legs split from the glass, then the one with the larger fragments will 'win'.

Glass empty or full

If the destroyed vessel was filled with a drink, then this indicates the future experiences of the owner and the culprit of the incident. And the stronger the degree of alcohol was, the stronger the experiences will be.

  • If a full glass (glass, glass, wine glass) is knocked over by a business man, he will soon conclude a good deal. If the glass was empty, then you will meet a new business partner.
  • A clumsy guest broke a full glass of wine – the owner will have to answer for the bad deeds of another person.
  • If splashes from wine or champagne hit the clothes when the ill-fated glassware shattered with a clang, then this is a sign of emotional distress. The more drunk the culprit of the incident, the more painful his inner torment.
  • A glass of water or juice scattered to smithereens – you should control your emotions and less express your thoughts to strangers.
  • A glass of water was not poured by a businessman – to unplanned cash receipts.

Interesting! To break a glass in a dream is a bad omen. This means that a person needs to be careful – big troubles await him, and he risks being deceived. It is especially bad when a sick person had such a dream – the disease progresses and can lead to sad consequences.

Break a glass at a wedding

Traditionally, in many countries, newlyweds break wedding glasses without regret. This symbolizes:

  1. Warning. When a young man hears the sound of breaking dishes, he 'wakes up' from a love dream, and prepares to share with his beloved not only trembling happy moments, but also grief.
  2. Protection. With the battle of glass and crystal, they drive away evil forces and envious people who wish to harm the newly-made family. Learn the signs of broken glass.
  3. Fragility. Breaking a glass is the least of all the sorrows that young people can face. After all, human relationships are as fragile as glass. So it's better to ruin the dishes at the wedding than ruin your life later.
  4. Persistence. “You can't glue a broken cup,” says the famous saying. Marriage changes the lives of lovers forever, and it takes a lot of effort to save it. A broken glass reminds of this.

But if the glass was dropped by one of the guests, then such a sign is considered unkind. The parents of the bride and groom need to be especially careful with a fragile vessel. If the mother-in-law or mother-in-law breaks the glass, then between the matchmakers there will be uneasy relations in the future, and in the family of the young, strife and abuse will become constant companions of marital relations.

If glasses are constantly beating in the house

If glasses are constantly beating in the house

Dishes that break at regular intervals in the home can mean several things:

  • A lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house, which it is time to put somewhere. You don't need to go to grandmothers or start doing Ayurveda trying to fix the situation. It is enough to think about what is going wrong in the family, to talk, to improve relations.
  • There really was a negative, but the broken glasses took the evil upon themselves. This is what the Moroccans think: “Everything that crashed took the misfortune away from the house.”

If the household is accustomed to sorting out the relationship by smashing dishes, then there is no one to blame. People create a gloomy atmosphere in their homes themselves. And the more glasses the glass head is laid on this battlefield, the more negativity accumulates.

Neutralizing Bad Omens

Especially suspicious people find it useful to learn several methods of neutralizing bad omens associated with a broken glass:

  1. Shards of broken dishes are immediately thrown into the trash heap or buried in the ground away from home. The main thing is not to cut yourself, as this not only hurts, but also prophesies a disease.
  2. The fragments of the glass broken at the commemoration are collected in a paper or plastic bag, trying not to touch the glass. Above they put a treat from the funeral table and take it to the cemetery.
  3. If a wedding glass breaks through negligence, the second one is broken immediately. If the glass is broken by the mother-in-law or mother-in-law, the groom throws the remains of the vessel over his left shoulder.
  4. If the groom dropped the glass (and this is a bad omen, according to which he may become addicted to alcohol in the future), the bride immediately collects the fragments in a scoop, saying: “ You will not come true, you, my husband (name), do not sleep! ''
  5. The bride touched a fragile vessel, and it broke into pieces – this is a betrayal. To prevent a bad prediction from coming true, she needs to step on the largest fragments with her left foot: in this way, possible rivals will be destroyed and neutralized.
  6. When dishes are often beating in the house, they put a saucer of milk in the corner of the kitchen and put pieces of sweet cookies. The hungry Brownie will eat up and stop getting angry.

Where people are sure that glasses break only for good events, signs and will mean only good. Where a minor failure raises anxiety and apprehension, adversity gathers with particular eagerness. The less negative thoughts and experiences will be emitted with the clink of broken dishes, the more joyful moments will happen in life.

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