A photo from open sources Murder is the strongest source the suffering, and the impressions with which it is accompanied, are grave the burden remains in the mind. Buddha very persistently warned against ending someone’s life, arguing that if in the future we are born in the human body, the result of the killing will be very short a life. Moreover, one can expect that subsequent lives will be difficult, full of illnesses and will go away in unpleasant places. Gampopa [Gampopa. Precious decoration of liberation. / Per. with tib. B. Erokhina. St. Petersburg, 2005] in The Precious Ornament of Liberation, writes, that the former killers live “in a desolate area where there are many wars and unhappiness. “Theft-Buddha refers to appropriation of something, what is not given to us. In his time, public property is unlikely existed – and it was much harder for a person to survive than in modern industrialized countries. Then people were often very poor, though not as hopelessly miserable as they are today in overpopulated areas around the equator. Consequence of the untreated theft will be a multiple loss of property in this and next lives. Sexual harm refers to the broadest realm of human behavior. Buddha wisely and convincingly warned against incest. He also did not advise interfere with people’s preferences in cases where no one is does harm. Human sexual behavior depends on cultural context, personal inclinations, tastes and general karma with other creatures. In Greenland, an indispensable attribute hospitality may be the wife of the owner of the house, if she herself does not mind. And Muslims tend to hide in public places their women under black tents, or even just lock up at home. It’s natural for some people and cultures to be generous and credulity, while others feel insecure and because they are trying to control everything. It’s especially important to be here attentive because this area of human activity is associated with the largest number of conventions and most influences for the happiness or suffering of people. Consequence of sexual harm will be desert births or painful partnerships relationship in this and next lives. Lies are found in two varieties: a serious and everyday distortion of truth, or big and small lies. Little lies – when we, for example, we say “bus was late”, although in fact we just wanted to to enjoy someone’s pleasant company in bed longer, just refers to stupid habits. This lie does no harm to anyone direct harm, although its benefits are only short-lived. Buddha also noted that people accustomed to such small distortions truth, subsequently there will be halitosis. Serious big falsehood occurs when we deliberately seek harm someone. An example would be a deliberate charge a person in a crime to which he is not involved. Spiritual lie that is, ascribing to oneself a nonexistent meditation experience, able to lead to even greater difficulties. This is a serious hoax because deep trust is one of the most liberating human qualities and, once lost, it may not recover over many lives. Slander is especially dangerous because her cause is anger. Talking bad about someone for his back, except when the object is public person and we are discussing it in order to draw attention other people on his dangerous example – means to participate in its negativity. In addition, it destroys friendship and divides people. Such behavior is detrimental to ourselves. Nothing is not turns against us as quickly as mischievous words. Rough and offensive speech is not only a sign of bad parenting. it extremely repulsive trait that makes everyone awkward position. It gives life a sense of cheapness, and as a result we hear a lot of unpleasant things about ourselves. Even when all is well destructive speech is able to reach many and influence them negatively. Meaningless chatter is mentioned on this list, because it causes a leak of positive accumulated by us qualities. In good company, it can sound nice and relaxing but you will shudder when you know how much precious time and energy is lost due to this habit. AND emotions hidden behind words are also not always the best. For the bright ones exciting stories about other people often cost a lot jealousy or pride. As can be seen from the popular world press, these feelings absolutely prevail over ordinary sympathy, they are not restrains personal wisdom, and they destroy good wishes. If we engage in meaningless conversation or distract someone other from a useful occupation, as a result we will not be accepted seriously. As for the sources of mental interference, the most significant of them are the three main emotions and their expressions. Disturbing thoughts and feelings usually have consequences in the form of words. and actions that reinforce habits and their outcomes. Hatred expressed in the form of anger sprouts from difficult ill-treatment zones and, in fact, should not be serious opponent. Any sane person who sees how creatures vulnerable, as they seek happiness and in doing so out of ignorance which can only lead to suffering, is surely able to develop deep sympathy for everyone. In problematic people it makes sense to see confused patients, not enemies. If anyone is consciously trying to be unpleasant, it’s easier to stop with a clear head, than with a desire for revenge or a feeling of indignation. Letting the negative reactions become a habit, we fill our lives with disappointments and rejection. Most confused when people who used to shared great idealistic dreams and views with each other or intimate feelings of love, then become opponents. This behavior is very painful and fraught with a huge loss. time. In such cases, it’s better to limit your personal expectations, how to act against a former partner. If people break up making bad wishes for each other, that process of achievement maturity, which began during the relationship, stops. This means that, in fact, we don’t have learned. If the same problems arise with a number of partners, it should be recognized that in all difficulties it’s really our fault. Otherwise, they would not have happened – or we they wouldn’t be taken seriously, they would be called exotic, and they don’t would hurt. If we notice how we are developing a certain a stable pattern of heavy feelings, we should know that this, in all likelihood, is far from their first appearance and that we more than once missed the opportunity to work with them! Envy blocks the natural flow of self-emerging wealth that is the essence of space. Any kind of greed or affection indicates internal poverty or a sense of separation from others, indicating a lack of ordinary trust. These feelings are antagonists of joy, they constantly generate demands that impossible to satisfy. For example, never stand envy rich people, except when envy, we try to arouse generosity in them, which is good for them future lives. Too much property turns the owner in the slave of his things, steals his time and space in mind. Starting at a certain point, such a person spends almost all your energy to protect your money from tax inspector or other greedy people and the fun side of wealth on this ends. The mind is trapped, and at the end of the owner expect a dubious honor to leave all these problems to their ungrateful heirs and their grateful lawyers. Ignorance is a continuously seething source of the previous nine interference, the cause of any suffering is born only from inability mind to see yourself. Neither the gods nor the devils rule us. This is simple fundamental ignorance in the form of erroneous views hides from us the essential clarity of the mind and its original enlightenment. However mind possesses tools for liberation from the yoke of ignorance – awareness and commitment to excellence. When these properties that are present in each of us, they contribute to the development confidence and independence. And any – hopefully frequent – comparison of our own views with the Teaching of Buddha suggests a way out of cycle of disturbing thoughts, words and actions. As stated above, the key is in to establish our confidence in causality. This leads to understanding that the mind is transformed, not produced by the brain, and, according to essentially constitutes a timeless space. In addition, we we see the expression of the mind as a stream of sensual and emotional fingerprints held together by the illusion of self. And when perfection already acquired, the mind is recognized as limitless, indestructible, full bliss and kindness. Those who wish the most effective to free your vault consciousness, Buddha recommends going through four steps. They are called counteraction forces, and with their help suffering in this and future lives can be avoided: • regret about the harm that we ourselves inflict with the body, speech or mind, about the harmful actions performed by other beings on our initiative, and about other people’s negative actions, which we rejoice in; • need to want free the mind from these heavy impressions; • no need to decide repeat actions that cause suffering; • need to apply reasonable and practical antidotes to transform everything unpleasant what happens in life. Author Ole Nidal
Life time