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An unusual air phenomenon was captured on video in Last Saturday, a resident of the county of Somerset, England. Man by it was Jeremy Lefebvre who returned home in the evening and unexpectedly noticed a huge unidentified object in the sky that literally burned with an orange flame, leaving a thick smoky atmosphere plume. Within minutes, the UFO changed the trajectory of its movement, and then just dissolved in air.
Here is how an eyewitness himself describes all this:
I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. This thing instantly riveted my attention and left me full confusion. It’s good that I guessed to get the phone and take it off a miracle in the video. UFOs burned with many iridescent lights and left followed by a luminous trail. I think it could not be fireworks or drone. My first guess was that there was an accident aircraft, however, several days have passed and no one reported crash news. I do not exclude that it was released out of order “flying saucer”. Perhaps her wreckage is still are somewhere there, in some uninhabited place.
It is noteworthy that the city of Warminster, located nearby from the scene, has long been considered the “British capital UFO sightings. “In the sixties and seventies of the last century here repeatedly saw burning lights, a mysterious glow and other celestial anomalies. The townspeople heard a strange noise at night, coming from heaven, and even noticed in the vicinity of his inhabited point of gray humanoid creatures scurrying in nature as some ghosts. All these incidents in the press were called “cases in Warminster. “And here is a new” alien invasion “…