By the end of the century, Islam will become the most popular religion?

By the end of the century, will Islam become the most popular religion?A photo from open sources

By the end of the 21st century, Islam is likely to overtake all other religions. planets by the number of followers. Came to this conclusion employees of the American research center “Pew Research Center “in Washington. Researchers believe that the prevailing the trend may well lead to this, and the amount Islamists in the world will exceed the number of Christians.

According to experts, today the most popular religion is Christianity – with 2.2 billion of its adherents. Further is Islam, the number of followers of which is 1.6 billion. Closes the top three Hinduism, which today professes 1 billion people. However, demographic trends indicate experts that by the end of this century, the number adherents of Islam will exceed the number of adherents of Christianity.

What is the reason for this situation? Americans say high fertility in Muslim regions, thanks to which the majority modern Islamists have a young age. In addition, in many Islam is the state religion, while states with many Christians are secular – in they, for example, also have a large number of atheists and representatives of other faiths, including Islam.

A photo from open sources

Currently, 62 percent of Islamists live in Asia Pacific. According to researchers from Pew Research Center, “By 2050, India will become a country where it will most of the world’s Islamists live – about 300 million. At the same time, at least 10 percent will practice Islam in Europe citizens. This will be associated mainly with the influx into the European Union. immigrants from Muslim countries. However islam is gradually accept and the indigenous people of many advanced states. For instance, over the past two decades, the number of Islamists among Norwegians increased from 500 to 3000, although Norway, along with Japan, considered the country least affected by a foreign religious currents.

It is noted that residents of many secular states greatly exaggerate the number of adherents of Islam in their countries. So, recently in France a sociological a survey, and many French reported that Islamists are about 30 percent of the inhabitants of their country. In fact, the followers of Islam today make up “only” 7.5 percent of all citizens Fifth Republic.

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