Can a veil be sold after the wedding?

The ancient tradition of covering the bride's head has remained relevant today. Previously, a scarf was used for this, today a veil. However, not everyone knows what to do with her after the wedding. Some keep it for many years in a closet, as a memory of the most important event in life, others believe that it is better to sell a veil, and still others pass it on by inheritance. is it possible to sell the veil after the wedding White veil is a symbol of chastity, purity, purity

What does the veil symbolize?

There are many superstitions associated with the wedding veil.

  1. In ancient times, her role was played by a linen scarf, which covered the bride's face. It was believed that by agreeing to marry, the girl renounces her past life. It was said that she 'dies' or is 'reborn' on this day, for this reason no one should see her face on the wedding day. If the ban is violated, then the young family will be overtaken by troubles and misfortunes.
  2. This element of the wedding dress has become the personification of obedience to the future spouse. In addition, our ancestors endowed him with magical properties and said that he protects the young bride from evil forces. The veil had to be long and down to the toes. This promised good luck, happiness and a long life together.
  3. A white veil is a symbol of chastity, purity, integrity. If the girl is not getting married for the first time, then in this case, other shades are selected or they do not wear an attribute at all.
  4. At the end of the wedding ceremony, the veil is solemnly removed. This ritual means that the bride is freed from parental care and goes under the care of her husband. Sometimes brides prefer to remove the accessory from their head on their own, thereby demonstrating independence and desire for equality with her husband.

why you can't wear someone else's veil During the wedding ceremony, the veil must cover the bride's face

Signs about the veil

There are many signs about this piece of wedding dress.

  • Before the wedding, the veil can only be touched by the mother of the bride and a relative of the woman who is being rejected.
  • Nobody should try on this attribute before the wedding. Otherwise, the planned procession may go wrong or break down.
  • During the wedding ceremony, the veil should cover the bride's face. So she will protect the girl from envious friends, the evil eye and damage.
  • The length of the veil is chosen depending on the material wealth of the bride's family. Previously, only girls from poor families were married in a short veil.
  • Only the spouse can open the face of a young wife, and it is obligatory after taking an oath. Thus, he shows that he takes her under the care and protection.
  • After the wedding, it is advisable to store the accessory along with the rest of the wedding attributes, but in a separate box. Veil in this case will serve as a family amulet. It concentrates in itself properties that help maintain mutual understanding in a couple.
  • You cannot try on or borrow this attribute after the wedding. In general, it is better not to touch it at all, since it may lose its basic properties, which will entail quarrels, discord and, as a result, the family will disintegrate.
  • Earlier it was customary to fix the veil at the head of the bed of the spouses – it was believed that this ritual helps in conceiving a child.
  • When a friend takes your veil, it is considered a bad omen. People say that over time she can take her husband out of the family.
  • The loss of an element of a wedding dress also becomes a negative sign. There is an opinion that after his loss, the family will break up or one of the family members will suddenly die.
  • According to popular belief, if the veil suddenly turns gray or yellow during storage, this indicates a betrayal of one of the spouses.
  • If someone suddenly falls ill in the family, then signs are advised to cover this person's head with a veil. They say that it has medicinal properties and is able to ward off ailments.
  • This attribute is also attached to the cradle of a newborn. Superstitious people say that he will protect the baby from the evil eye and ailments and that he will grow up healthy and strong. In addition, if the child is capricious, he must be wrapped in a veil, and he will immediately calm down.
  • It is believed that the veil should cover the bride's head. If you replace it with another accessory, then the marriage will quickly fall apart or the family will be childless. And the reason for this will be the open face of the bride: the girl will remain defenseless during the wedding ceremony, absorb negative energy and then project it onto the family.
  • If the veil breaks during the wedding, it is a bad sign. The signs say that this indicates distrust on the part of the groom's relatives.
  • Wednesday is considered the most favorable day to buy an accessory.

The mother can pass on the veil to her daughter when she gets married, but only if her own marriage was successful. It is believed that in this way, parents share family happiness.

why you can't sell a veil after the wedding If the veil during storage suddenly turns gray or yellow, then this indicates the betrayal of one of the spouses

Can a veil be sold after the wedding?

Veil is a family amulet, and therefore signs are highly discouraged to sell it after the wedding. However, if the marriage did not work out and conflicts led to its dissolution, then the accessory automatically loses its ability to be a talisman.

Superstitious people recommend that after a divorce, give the veil to the dry cleaner, where it will be thoroughly cleaned, or washed, then starch and only after that it will be sold.

In this case, it is desirable that the wedding attribute falls into the hands of strangers. Otherwise, the attitude towards divorce and trouble will pass to relatives.

It is also not recommended to simply give away the veil after a divorce. For an unsuccessful marriage, you should receive a payment, even a token one. Thus, you will free the thing from negative energy, and the next bride can start building a family without echoes from the past.

Why not wear someone else's veil?

The veil absorbs the energy of the hostess. If someone else tries it on, then, according to the signs, this person tries on the fate of the one who owns the accessory.

The veil, which was on the bride on the wedding day, has a particularly strong energy.

The belief also says that a girl who puts on someone else's veil can destroy her energy and take away happiness from her owner.

Signs advise every bride to take care of the veil, both before and after the wedding. Only in this case will she make the family strong and bring prosperity.

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