Can I buy baby things for a newborn in advance?

Folk wisdom has long pointed people to the signs of fate. People remembered the signs, passed on from generation to generation, thanks to which they have survived to this day. Many are still relevant today.

These include, for example, superstitions about why it is impossible to buy things for a newborn in advance. No matter the situation, buying in advance will hurt the baby and parents.

why you can't buy things before the baby is born

Folk signs

A lot of superstitions have survived to this day explaining why it is impossible to buy clothes and other things before the birth of a child. After analyzing the situation, you can find the desired sign.

  1. If you bought big things in advance, then you should expect a quarrel between the couple. Partners will not be able to share responsibilities among themselves, which is why family life will be poisoned by constant disputes. The solution to the conflicts will not be found, so the resentment against each other will only increase.
  2. Narrow things, bought in advance for the baby, are a harbinger of the baby's illness. Parents will not be able to get rid of problems in time, therefore, an illness that manifests itself at an early age will leave a mark on health. You will have to spend a lot of effort and money to stabilize the patient's physical condition.
  3. To buy a low-quality item that has deteriorated already at the first use – you will be disappointed in everyday life. The constant problems and difficulties of raising a baby born into the world will lead to mental exhaustion of the parents. This will affect their relationship, conflicts will become an integral part of everyday life.

How does it threaten the child

Depending on what happened after the purchase of the necessary items for children, you can determine the meaning of this event.

  • Acquiring things, having correctly determined the gender of the baby, means that you will soon change your beliefs. A person will reconsider his priorities, making others his attitude towards people and their actions. However, those around you will react negatively to such changes. We will have to repeatedly explain the meaning of such decisions.
  • If a boy was born, and things were bought for the girl in advance, the baby will be misunderstood by his peers. The child will not be able to communicate with peers, trying to find his place among adults. However, in the company of his elders, he will feel like an exile. This will affect self-determination and further communication with others.
  • Things bought in advance for a boy at the birth of a girl are a sign indicating a deviation in the behavior of the baby. Traditional parenting techniques will not be successful. Parents will be able to influence the development of the baby, using an individual approach and new untested methods.
  • Buying things and losing a child is a harbinger of a crisis in a relationship. Soon, the partners will part, as a number of unpleasant events will adversely affect their communication. It will not be possible to sort out all the disagreements that have arisen, which will lead to divorce. However, further relationships will be friendly.
  • Buying clothes for a child, whose delivery was accompanied by unbearable pain, indicates the imminent separation of the infant from the parents. Excessive independence will manifest itself in early childhood, and in the future it will grow into complete independence. Relationships with parents will not be trusting, which will lead to an aggravation of adolescent problems.

Whatever the outcome of pregnancy, you should not buy things for the baby in advance. Such an action will be followed by a series of negative events that will lead to a complete or partial change in the usual course of events.

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