Can I cut my own hair: what will the signs say?

Superstitions insist that cutting oneself is highly undesirable. This opinion is based on the fact that by cutting off one's hair, a person loses energy. As a result, such manipulations negatively affect all areas of life: health, finances, love, etc.

is it possible to cut my own hair omens

Why can't you cut your hair yourself?

The answer to the question of whether you can cut your own hair, signs give a straight line – no. This is due to the fact that you are losing touch with the energy flows that feed positive. At the same time, you run the risk of ruining beauty, not only external, but also internal. Let's try to figure out the details.


One of the reasons why you can't cut yourself is the risk of losing your financial well-being. This is especially true when you cut a lot of hair, such as a long braid.

And by making your own haircut on Friday, which is considered a financial day, you are depriving yourself of a stable income. Bad news will come unexpectedly:

  • the boss suddenly decides to take off the part-time job;
  • the number of working hours will be reduced;
  • will be transferred to another position.

In any case, you can not count on decent wages.

is it possible to cut my hair on my head


When self-haircutting, biofield deformation occurs. The body becomes weakened, and negative influence from the outside contributes to the development of diseases.

  • If you cut your own hair all the time, then, according to the signs, health problems can be observed both on a physical and emotional level.
  • An independent haircut on Sunday affects the general well-being especially badly, since on this day, along with the hair, the supply of vitality is lost.
  • Other beliefs say that by self-cutting, a person shortens the period of stay in this world. After all, it is the hair that is a kind of portal to the inexhaustible source of cosmic energy. And if you decide to cut your strands, then this connection is broken – the conducting channels disappear one by one.


When you cut yourself, then by signs it promises trouble.

  • If you have done this only once, then nothing terrible will happen – the obstacles will be insignificant.
  • When you are constantly cutting yourself, prepare for a losing streak.
  • The most difficult situations in life will lie in wait for those who decide to cut their hair after a storm of fun.

why you can't cut your hair yourself


Popular beliefs insist that unmarried girls cannot cut themselves. By shortening her hair, the fair sex is deprived of the opportunity to get married.

  • In ancient times, it was said that when a girl deprives herself of her curls on her own, she becomes an outcast.
  • According to another superstition, if you cut your hair, you will lose your beauty and you will no longer be desirable for men.
  • Among the Slavs, hair was an inspired subject. It was believed that they contain information about the person himself and about the life experience of his ancestors. And cutting off her strands, the girl became uninteresting, closed to the opposite sex and lost access to centuries-old wisdom.


There is another sign that says that self-haircut will have a negative impact on the future.

Carrying out such manipulations constantly, a person changes fate.

This may be followed by a streak of failures. Negativity will follow at every step, and the problems are able to unite:

  • relatives will start to get sick;
  • you will lose financial stability;
  • there will be many unforeseen obstacles on the way to achieving a goal that was recently close.

A turn of fate for the worse, omens promise also in the case when you cut only your bangs for yourself. Superstitions, even in this case, are quite categorical.

can i cut my hair myself

How to ward off trouble?

If necessary, you can cut yourself once on your own, but observing the following rules.

  1. According to folk signs, this should be done on Wednesday and it is desirable that you are surrounded by green. This can be a room covered with green wallpaper, or you can simply lay a green rug or blanket under your feet.
  2. If nothing green was found, then it is advisable to sprinkle the scissors and hair with holy water before cutting.
  3. After the procedure is over, the cut hair must be thrown over the left shoulder with the words: 'I throw my hair, keep my health.'
  4. If, after a haircut, you feel unwell, in this case you should cross yourself on three sides and pronounce the following conspiracy: 'I cut my hair, did not give energy, you give it back to me!' The second way out of this situation: take the doll and attach her hair to your head. And also lean the trimmed strands to the crown – soon you will feel how energy fills your body and soul.
  5. To ward off trouble, popular beliefs advise, after self-haircuts, to let a good person trim the ends of their hair. And it doesn't have to be a professional hairdresser. Just single out people with positive energy among your acquaintances and trust one of them.

Signs are not advised to cut yourself, and the result from this event is far from always positive. It is better to entrust the hair to the hands of a master who will help and successfully transform, and will not bring trouble.

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