Can I wear someone else's pectoral cross?

The pectoral cross is the greatest shrine and a symbol of religious affiliation. The church attaches importance to the material from which it is made. But the main thing is that the cross is of the correct shape (four, six or eight-pointed).

Many people, at least once in their lives, have found this product on the street, indoors, public transport, and at the same time did not know whether it was possible to raise and whether it was possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross.

is it possible to wear someone else's cross Popular rumor says that it is unacceptable to wear someone else's cross, since all information concerning its owner is encrypted in it.

Can I wear someone else's cross?

Popular rumor and psychics say that wearing someone else's cross is unacceptable, since all information concerning its owner is encrypted in this attribute – information about already accomplished and upcoming significant events in a person's life.

People say that a cross found near their home is a sign of damage caused by ill-wishers. Most modern Christians do not believe in the existence of such a danger, believing that a foreign cross found in or near a house must be taken to the church, consecrated and given to people who are unable to acquire this religious attribute.

The opinions of believers about whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross are conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. The former believe that people who put on someone else's cross took responsibility for the sins of another person. Having found such an attribute on the ground, in no case should one step over it or, even worse, advance.
  2. People of the opposite group consider any cross, including someone else's, a protection.
    The clergy agree with the opinion that this sacred attribute should be treated with care and respect.

Fears associated with wearing someone else's cross existed in ancient Russia. In those days there was a custom: when betraying the deceased, the cross was removed from him.

Some modern believers believe that the sacred attribute removed from the deceased is a kind of connecting link between the two worlds, that is, it can harm the living. But the number of such people is negligible.

Today, the church even insists that the Christian relic be interred with the deceased owner.

The priest's opinion

Church ministers do not see anything in wearing someone else's pectoral cross that would contradict Christian canons. Only the deed of a parishioner who appears in the church without a cross – a symbol of faith and a powerful talisman – is not approved.

The ancient Christians had a sign: if the cross became cloudy, turned black, or if a thread broke and the product fell to the ground, a person loses protection from negative energy attacks. The priests say that all such talk is a manifestation of unfounded superstition.

There have been many episodes in the history of Christianity when a church minister took off this church attribute in order to pass it on to an ordinary parishioner who does not have such an attribute.

And there is also an opinion that the found cross should be worn, since it is a gift from above. The clergy give some advice on how to deal with the found cross:

  • 'Consecrate in the temple and wear!'.
  • “Consecrate in the temple and give it to the godson.”
  • 'Consecrate in the temple and give to an indigent stranger.'
  • 'Bring it to the temple and leave it near one of the miraculous icons.'

And the last thing. The person who has found the cross must understand that, having put on the find, he cannot accept responsibility for the sins of others, especially if he himself is sinless.

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