Due to the many beliefs and constant warnings from friends or relatives, most of the fairer sex are wondering whether it is possible to embroider or knit during pregnancy, and whether such needlework will harm the development of the baby or the health of the expectant mother. Consider where this belief came from, and whether there are real grounds for concern.
Can pregnant women knit
Experts note that pregnant women can safely engage in knitting, following simple rules:
- do 2-3 breaks per hour of work, warm up for arms and legs – this will help to avoid oxygen starvation of the fetus;
- pregnant women can knit no more than 3 hours a day to avoid overwork;
- preliminarily put a pillow under the back and feet – this will save you from overstrain of the spine;
- regularly change postures and pay attention to changes in fetal behavior;
- knit in good light, so as not to impair vision;
- ventilate the working area and walk outside.
Doctors say that knitting helps not only improve mood, but also normalize the nervous system. In addition, most pregnant women become distracted and forgetful, and handicrafts improve memory and train attention.
Can I sew during pregnancy
In the old days, there were several signs associated with sewing during pregnancy:
- Taking up sewing during the period of carrying a baby, a pregnant woman blocks her child's path to our world – this can lead to complications during pregnancy or childbirth, and even cause the death of a newborn.
- Because of sewing, a child can get entangled in the umbilical cord – this is a belief that arose because of the knots that a woman ties on a product during work.
- It is impossible to sew clothes for the baby in advance – this is how the expectant mother brings misfortune on herself and the unborn child.
The above superstitions do not have any scientific evidence – for example, professional seamstresses who continue to work as pregnant women experience complications during childbirth no more often than in other women. Hence the conclusion – pregnant women can sew if this activity calms them down and brings pleasure.
Is it possible to cross stitch during pregnancy
It is also allowed to embroider with a cross or stitch for pregnant women – this does not have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. The main rule is to do this in the most comfortable position, preferably on the street or balcony, and if the slightest feeling of discomfort appears, be sure to take a break.
Most of the bad omens associated with the needlework of pregnant women appeared at a time when medicine was at a low level, and births were most often performed by midwives. In turn, they attributed most of the complications to sewing, embroidery or knitting during gestation, thereby removing all responsibility from their shoulders.
Therefore, in order to avoid problems with childbirth and not harm the health of the child, pregnant women can and should try not to pay attention to superstitions, and timely undergo all the necessary examinations throughout the entire period.