The spider does not ask permission from people to settle in their housing. The insect brings a lot of problems into the life of the owners of the house, but fear does not allow killing the spider, because according to beliefs, such an act is punished with severe punishment by higher powers. A person who wishes his family happiness will never raise a hand against a spider.
Signs about killing spiders
A small creature is a source of luck, well-being and health – that's why you can't kill spiders in the house.
Bearer of news
There is a sign: if a spider travels through a person's body or furniture, you can expect a gift or news from friends. To kill a spider is to 'block the road' for these pleasant surprises.
In ancient times, healers prepared medicines from herbs and insects. In many of the old recipes for medicinal drugs, the arthropod was found as an ingredient. Even the cobweb was used for 'medical' purposes. To take the life of a spider is to leave your home 'at the mercy of' diseases, without 'medicines' (which will not be cooked from anything).
Defender from corruption
There was a belief about spiders that guard the house from evil spirits and negative energy. To destroy an arthropod – to attract troubles, curses, the evil eye of ill-wishers to your home.
Happiness catcher
Observant people have noticed that spiders use cobwebs to attract joy into the house. If the spider is not allowed to twist a web, there will be nothing to attract family happiness and well-being.
'Money Spider'
According to legend, small red spiders attract material well-being and prosperity to the family. Signs recommend keeping such an arthropod in your pocket. The British believe that an arthropod that has fallen on its head portends a solid legacy. To kill a spider is to block the money channel.
Wisdom teacher
Since ancient times, people have considered these animals to be divine beings, a model of spiritual development and hard work. For the murder of an arthropod culprit, they were expelled from the tribe, condemning him to eternal wanderings.
Is it possible to kill a spider in the house
The well-known popular omen why it is impossible to kill spiders in the house did not arise from scratch. Many peoples have a legend about how the spiders saved the saint. And it doesn't matter who it was: the prophet Magamed, the baby Jesus or Moses himself. Arthropods wrapped cobwebs around the entrance of the cave in which the fugitive was hiding. The pursuers decided that there could be no one in such a place, and passed by. Since then, believers have worshiped the eight-legged insect, killing it is considered a great sin. Who wants to be denied protection?
According to another version, by destroying a spider, you doom your house to the absence of a web. But it is the spider web that attracts and retains all good things in the house, like the owner of the web catches prey in it. In addition, the web collects all the negative – you need to get rid of it when the finest threads are covered with dust. But this must be done carefully so as not to harm the 'manufacturer'.
It is believed that you can kill spiders in an apartment only in one case – if they crawl or weave webs on the icon.
Accidental murder
There are times when an arthropod is in an unexpected place, or because of their small size they are not noticed. In this case, accidentally killing a spider is a good sign (according to signs, such an incident is a reason for the forgiveness of 40 sins).
If you have to destroy an animal in fright, do not be discouraged. Throw the dead arthropod over the threshold with the words: 'Go away, and take the bad with you into the night!'. Such a measure will prevent the occurrence of problems assigned for the killing of a sacred insect.
If you just find a dead spider in the house, you need to throw it over the threshold – this will bring good luck. If you throw the corpse of an arthropod into the trash can, it will lead to losses of various scales.
What fate holds for the one who kills the spider
According to the biblical commandments, you cannot kill. Let the spiders differ in size and meaning from people, but it is a sin to destroy them. Such an offense will be punished. Moreover, superstitions suggest that the smaller the injured arachnid, the more serious retribution for his murder is coming.
Omens of what will happen if you intentionally kill a spider:
- failures and bad luck will fall on the person who committed the offense;
- the culprit is expected to waste and lose (and not necessarily material);
- chronic illness may worsen in the one who offended the arachnid.
It is possible that such threats appeared as a result of the 'reverse course' of the methods of using the arthropod to treat various ailments, as a result of which the eight-legged people die, the sick person recovers.
Ancient spider treatments
- Patients with jaundice were offered to ingest a live animal oiled with butter.
- A spider suspended over the baby's bed helped cure the child from whooping cough.
- Patients with fever put the little spider in a deaf box, from which he could not get out.
- It was believed that the death of the animal will serve as deliverance from the disease.
- Asthma and excessive sleepiness were treated with cobwebs. The patient needed to swallow a piece of spider net.
- The bleeding was stopped with a skein of cobweb, which was applied to the open wound.
As you can see, the signs prohibiting killing spiders did not arise in vain. But believe them or not, choose for yourself. If insects and the fruits of their labors get in the way, carefully collect the spiders with a twig and take them out, where they will be as comfortable as in an apartment.