Can you keep a dollar tree at home? – Folk omens

Among the magical indoor plants, the dollar tree occupies a worthy place, about which there are many signs and superstitions. It is interesting to figure out whether zamioculcas (the scientific name for a tropical alien) really attracts wealth, justifies its nickname 'celibacy flower' or attracts female happiness.

dollar tree

Why is the flower called the dollar tree?

Observations of zamiokulkas appeared many signs and superstitions. The plant is credited with the ability to attract money, and not ordinary, but overseas currency.

Zamiokulkas has many names:

  1. Zanzibar gem (the birthplace of the flower is the rocky plateau of Zanzibar).
  2. Dollar tree (branches with leaves of zamioculcas resemble stacked one dollar coins).
  3. Caladium is charming (this was the name of the flower when it arrived from Africa to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century).
  4. Zamik (affectionate popular name).

According to another version, the exotic plant was named the dollar tree for its face value. Initially, the 'Zanzibar stone' was very expensive; it appeared only in wealthy houses where dollar bills were found.

At its core, zamiokulkas is a succulent.

Above the ground, there are plant leaves that can accumulate moisture. For flora representatives, moisture is a real wealth. It is for this 'ability to accumulate', perhaps, they endowed the flower with the magical property of attracting wealth. By the way, the same properties are attributed to all succulents, from a fat woman to an ordinary cactus.

Rites and rituals to attract money

To increase the flow of banknotes, folk signs recommend caring for the dollar tree in a special way.

  1. The plant must be treated like a person. Zamioculcas is a big lover of moisture, but it should not be watered, but 'watered', and talk kindly, tell how you want to get rich, ask the plant for help in this matter. To achieve the best results, such a ritual should be performed on Tuesdays with the growing moon.
  2. Take a 1 dollar bill. Fold it into a triangle so that you can see the money pyramid. Attach the resulting paper symbol to the dollar tree branch – the plant's wealth-attracting power will increase. Such a dollar triangle is a powerful magnet for money, it works even without zamiakulkas, but in the form of a leaf on a currency bush, and even more so will create the correct energy. Watch earnestly so that the paper structure does not fall off the branch.
  3. It is customary to bury coins in a pot with a money tree (fat woman). You can put American cents on the bottom of the pot or in a tray with zamiokulkas.
  4. Some connoisseurs will accept that fans of magic rituals water the dollar bush with 'money water'. It's easy to prepare it. Put coins in a container with cold water for irrigation, let it brew for 2 days. Water the dollar bush with this 'magic potion'. Do not remove coins until the water in the vessel runs out.
  5. In order for zamioculcas to bring monetary luck, it must be stolen, preferably from wealthy people. It is not necessary to take out the plant along with the pot, it is enough to take a shoot or leaf. Please note that at the initial stage, the plant develops very slowly, therefore, a spectacular plant will not soon turn out from the leaf, and it will bloom no earlier than after 3 years.
  6. It's a good idea to get a plant as a gift. The donor should be given a ransom in the form of several coins. Then the plant will bring monetary luck.


Is Zamiaculcas a woman's happiness or a flower of celibacy (muzhegon)?

In addition to the power of attraction for wealth, other magical abilities are seen behind the dollar tree. Signs say that zamiakulkas makes a woman happy, attracts love. And according to other signs, the dollar tree is a flower of celibacy. If he appears in the house of an unmarried lady, she will have to cuckoo for a century. How to figure out what role zamiaculcas plays in the fate of a woman?

The flower of celibacy or zamiaculcas belongs to the aroid family – all these plants have masculine energy. They are called 'muzhegons'. Here they do not tolerate other men in the house.

But what about 'female happiness'? This 'nickname' belongs to another flower – spathiphyllum. According to the signs, the flowers of these plants have a similar shape, they resemble a phallus to a person with a well-developed imagination. Moreover, the dollar bush is leading in this imitation.

But if spathiphyllum regularly and consistently brings happiness to its owner, then with zamiokulkas everything is somewhat more complicated. To attract a loved one to a woman's life, several conditions must be met:

  • The flower must be donated. When a woman buys a dollar tree in a store, on the contrary, she gives away some of her love luck. Therefore, the purchased flower will attract failures in love, loneliness.
  • The plant should be well-groomed, grow well, not lose leaves, and not wither.
  • If a flower has wilted, this is a very bad omen for a woman. You cannot throw it away. It is necessary to cure or buy another copy of Zamiokulkas, put it next to the patient. The healthy plant will share its energy with the withering plant and the problem will be solved.
  • Good luck comes during the flowering of zamiokulkas. Here the dollar bush blooms, and you can wait for the groom.

Unfortunately, the 'African' blooms rarely and not at all.

And people are divided into two camps: some expect good luck in love, a quick wedding from the dollar tree, others believe that a flower can endow a lady with a 'crown of celibacy'.

It is known that omens work the way they are believed in. If you are afraid of celibacy, then get married, there are very few chances. Better to think good things.

Signs actually appear: they gave a dollar bush to a girl who is predetermined to be alone, she did not find a faithful. Then the unfortunate woman shared her observations and conclusions with other people, so a superstition appeared that an exotic flower attracts celibacy.

Is it possible to keep zamiokuls at home?

Despite the ambiguous signs about the dollar tree, the plant is loved by biologists and flower growers. They recommend keeping this flower at home:

  • Biologists say that zamioculcas perfectly cleans the air.
  • The dollar bush has a beneficial effect on a sleeping person, helps to find energy and vigor.
  • Zamioculcas has excellent decorative properties, will decorate any home.
  • Contemplation of the bright greenery of the plant's juicy leaves creates a good mood and helps relieve stress.

But people who pay increased attention to magic are afraid to keep a dollar tree at home, because according to the omen: if the flower withers, you need to wait for financial failures or big problems in a woman's personal life.

Objectively, the poisonous juice in the leaves of zamiokulkas poses a real danger, and even then at the level of allergic reactions. It is undesirable to let children play with the flower, and pets should be kept away from the spectacular 'African'. Wear gloves when handling it.

dollar tree signs and superstitions

Why does the dollar tree bloom?

Zamioculcas shows flowering only in adulthood. If this happened to your plant, then it is an adult specimen.

If you have other pots with young dollar trees in your house, place them next to the blooming beauty. Zamioculcas is able to 'share the energy' of prosperity not only with people, but also with 'relatives'.

Connoisseurs of signs did not come to a consensus on what the zamioculcas blooms. Here are the interpretations:

  • You can expect to move to improved housing;
  • Addition to the family is expected (the woman may have become pregnant);
  • Unexpected inheritance is not excluded;
  • Significant wage increases are possible;
  • Women's happiness is guaranteed in the form of well-being in the family.

In general, if a dollar bush has bloomed, this is a very good omen.

Fengshui about castle

According to Eastern esoteric teachings, in order for the dollar tree to attract cash flows, important conditions must be observed:

  1. The plant pot must be in the 'wealth zone', that is, in the southeast sector of the house;
  2. When transplanting zamiokulkas, you cannot use an old pot and soil from another plant. The flower should be planted in fresh soil in a new container.
  3. It is also advised to put coins on the bottom of the pot (this has a good effect on the growth and flowering of the 'African').
  4. The flower must be presented as a gift, and it is better on a holiday associated with novelty, for example, New Year, Birthday, Christmas, housewarming. So, the positive energy of zamiokulkas will increase 100 times.

Other signs about the dollar tree:

  • Zamioculcas 'crying' – to the rain.
  • You can't share your plant on a good day for you, on your own birthday. So you can give your luck and well-being.
  • The money bush loves one owner, who must personally look after him. If there are several people in the house who want to get rich, you need to have plants for each tenant.

Believe it or not in the signs about zamiokulkas – everyone's personal business. But you shouldn't rely only on the 'overseas handsome'. You need to forge your happiness on your own and feed the green talisman with a positive, which will thank you with a magnificent appearance. But on the other hand, if you believe in the magic of the dollar tree, it is more likely to attract wealth to you.

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