Case with a landing UFO in the city Socorro

April 24, 1964 on the outskirts of a New Mexican town Socorro, located an hour south of Albuquerque, was bored with routine duty police sergeant Lonnie Zamora. Until the end of the shift there were still two hours left, and he was even glad when turning seemed creaking tires, blue Chevrolet.

Noting the time —17: 45, Zamora rushed to his policeman Ford behind the high-speed offender. The chase began on federal highway number 85. Suddenly away from the freeway the policeman noticed out of the corner of his eye a flash of flame followed by whistling roar …


Leaving black bands of rubber on the pavement, Zamora stopped with screech of brakes. Regretfully staring swiftly retreating intruder, Zamora began to look for a source of unusual noise. Looking at the warehouses surrounding the road, he suddenly thought that something like a warehouse with dynamite miners exploded nearby checkers.

Turning at the intersection leading into the country road, the policeman saw there is something strange behind the parted storage walls. On the background the surrounding hills maneuvered an unusual aircraft, shrouded in jets of orange-blue flame. Sizes on this it was difficult to determine the distance, but it was clear that the device, similar to a silver drop with dashes of a stilt chassis at the bottom parts, slowly descends on a narrow cone of smokeless flame. No more than a minute passed, and the strange “jet helicopter” as dubbed the apparatus of Zamora to himself, disappeared behind the nearest hill.

Case with a landing UFO in the city of SocorroA photo from open sources

The policeman’s car turned onto a dirt road and, breaking crest froze on the opposite slope. Before Zamora opened a striking picture: a hundred meters “jet helicopter” went on landing. When the device touched the ground with its supports, the whistle switched in a bass buzz and fell silent. While Zamora got out of the car, he missed the moment when a couple appeared next to the “helicopter” human figures in something resembling silvery overalls.

From afar there was nothing unusual in them, and the policeman sensibly reasoned that he had witnessed an accident of some kind of experimental apparatus. Zamora rushed to the radiotelephone and began to call for help. The connection was poor, and negotiations with the authorities took quite a while. a lot of time. When he returned to the facility, the “helicopter pilots” were already have disappeared.

Sergeant Chavez understood little from Zamor’s confused testimony, who called a UFO a jet helicopter, then a rocket, or for some reason, and a flying car.

A photo from open sources

Waving a hand at Zamora, who had fallen into a stupor from experiences, Sergeant ordered to inspect the scene. Where the policeman saw “helicopter”, four deep angular were discovered on the ground dents. Subsequently, ufologists found that these traces of UFOs located at the vertices of a quadrangle, as if consisting of two isosceles triangles with a common base. On the ground one could also see four dark spots of soot.

Returning to the police station, sergeants met an agent there FBI Burns, who was investigating some complicated case federal significance. He began phoning familiar aviation experts, and soon Captain Holder joined the cops with nearby secret aerospace training ground White sands.

All those present immediately went to the scene. There Agent Berne, together with Captain Hold-rum, began to conduct all kinds of metric measurements, including terrain planning, sketching traces of the “legs” and “exhaust” of the UFO. Also Holder and Chavez took many pictures. Subsequently, some of them hit the police dossier, and others – in the investigation materials FBI and Air Force Intelligence. A thorough inspection of the UFO parking lot by professionals, gave their results.

It turned out that along with traces of the device itself in several human traces from strange shoes without heels with smooth sole. In addition, Holder noted that the recesses from UFO “backups” are not completely symmetrical and one hole is deeper and lies somewhat aloof. He immediately expressed an opinion, subsequently caught in the inspection protocol that the device was damaged and committed emergency landing.


When the passions around the Socorre UFO subsided somewhat, for a well-known specialist undertook an investigation of the ufological incident and US Air Force consultant Joseph Allen Heinek. He restored and synchronized every step Zamora on April 24 and generally not found any significant contradictions with the prevailing version of events.

A photo from open sources

Professor Heineck spent a lot of effort to translate Zamora’s story from a subjective category to an objective one. For this he interviewed many potential witnesses who were close UFO landing, but found only one indirect mention. Owner gas stations on the outskirts of the city on highway number 85, a certain Opelgrinder, remembered that on that day, no later than six hours in the afternoon, he exchanged a few phrases with extremely excited customer.

Unknown man in a suit with a tie, reminiscent of traveling salesman or clerk, very worried, said that his only that he nearly demolished a strange helicopter that had smoked all of it car. The salesman car was really covered some dirty stains with such an unpleasant smell that a rag, which he wiped the windshield, immediately had to throw it away.

Subsequently, the authors of the project for the study of UFOs “Blue Book” added another phrase cited by Heine-com as heard Opelgrinder from the traveling salesman: “Flying over me,” helicopter rushed to the nearest hills, and a minute later it rushed there, howling a siren, a police car. ”

A photo from open sources

Famous UFO researcher, American astrophysicist Donald Howard Menzel, having studied all available materials on the occasion at Socorro, decided to go the simplest way. He suggested that the incident was staged by urban youth with whom Zamora is constantly Conflicted over traffic violations. Actually and at the beginning of the UFO incident, he chased the teenage fuppa, over speed. According to Menzel, young lovers of fast Riding decided to play the sergeant in revenge for constant fines.

Having provoked a chase, they sent a policeman to the right direction and then launched made of cardboard and foil balloon filled with hydrogen. At a certain point the ball blown up, maybe using ordinary Chinese fireworks, which really scared the sergeant. Having examined this version, Professor Heineck found out in detail the meteorological the situation on April 24 and, having built a wind rose, proved that at five hours in the afternoon the balloon could not have flown away southeast, like a UFO in Zamora’s testimony, but would have rushed to northwest.


What really could have happened fifty years ago on outskirts of Socorro? Recall that it was precisely in those years that the full drama “moon race” in which HACA by all means tried to get ahead of the Soviet cosmonautics. The rates were so high that the Apollo lunar mission developed with significant flaws. So, four years after the incident in Socorro the first Apollo 8 expedition to the moon, which was forced to confine herself only to flying around the night luminary.

A photo from open sources

It turned out that, despite numerous trials and improvements, the lunar module was still not ready, and the first trial the flight to the moon had to be carried out without a landing compartment. Meanwhile Today many documents of the lunar mission are declassified, of which it is clear that it was in 1964 at the White Sands training ground tests of the descent vehicle in terrestrial conditions.

Flights of the lunar module took place at different distances and sometimes reached several kilometers. From declassified test reports US Air Force Technology Control aerodynamic drag reduction and protection devices (both from the air and from prying eyes) the platform of the lunar module was covered with a protective shield. Form of this the additional building was very similar to that oval object, once seen by sergeant Zamora …


USA Moon Time

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