Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and National Unity Day

A photo from open sources

The fourth of November, the Orthodox celebrate the day of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. This day entered the church calendar as Celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of deliverance Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612. This day is celebrated National Unity Day. Photo from open sources November 3, 2012, on the eve of week 22 on Pentecost and the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill celebrates Vespers Vigil in the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov. IN Epiphany Cathedral keeps a particularly revered list of the Kazan Icon Our Lady, created in the 17th century and previously located in Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. Before the polyeleos, while singing troparia, The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church transferred the venerable image with throne on lectern in the center of the temple, where many shrines worshiped believers. At the altar of the Epiphany Cathedral, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill performed a consecration to the reader Alexey Suvorov and Alexander Bystrov, bearing the obedience of the subdeacons of His Holiness. Tomorrow’s holiday Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the Primate of the Russian Church will commit Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and will accept participation in celebrations dedicated to the Day of National Unity and 400th anniversary of overcoming the Troubles. For the patriarch National Unity Day – This is a holiday focused on the future of Russia. Celebration 400 years of overcoming the Time of Troubles, in his opinion, this is not only the memory of a nationwide victory. “Today, like 400 years back, ideas of solidarity and concern for the general, and not just for the particular, can and are called to become a bond of our society, “said the patriarch Cyril in an interview with ITAR-TASS. To the Kremlin will be brought from St. Petersburg revered icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This image was in 1612 the main shrine of the militia that liberated Moscow from foreign invaders. It is noteworthy that in the same November 4, the Church celebrates the feast of the Kazan Icon. Happy on Red Square will host a ceremony of laying flowers to the monument to Minin and Pozharsky with the participation of leaders of the Russian state and the leaders of the four religions represented historically in Russia. Then in a festive atmosphere will open International exhibition “Orthodox Russia”. She takes place in the 11th time. This year, every Russian will be able to choose one at the exhibition of 60 submitted projects of the monument to the Holy Martyr Patriarch Germogen, who is planned to be installed near the walls of the Kremlin in Alexander Garden May 25, 2013. In the evening in the Great Hall Moscow Conservatory will host the world premiere of – opera oratorio of modern composer George Dmitriev “St. Germogen.” This year, in honor of the holiday for the first time in St. Petersburg will host the city procession.

Time Moscow Russia

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