Chilean Navy declassified UFO data

The Chilean Navy has declassified UFO dataPhotos from open sources of

Not all military men take such a step – to declassify data on unidentified flying object after a thorough investigation. A the Chilean naval officers considered it acceptable to vow that defies any reasonable explanation.

It happened two years ago, a naval helicopter in that day carried out a normal flyby for coastal patrols as suddenly a strange object was seen in the sky that was moving at about the same speed as the Chilean apparatus Navy.

The military immediately contacted the ground services, local airports, however, radars saw only a helicopter in the sky and more nothing, that is, the UFO remained for the flying tracking technique objects invisible.

A photo from open sources

The strange UFO not only flew at a constant speed, but also periodically threw some material into the air. True it could only be observed in the infrared, for to the naked human eye, even the object itself was hardly distinguishable, not to mention his strange actions.

However, a modern SAR camera was installed on the helicopter, which made it possible to well track both the UFO itself and its actions. The military tried to contact the mysterious object through radio stations, however it did not bring any results. UFO continued his flight without paying any attention to the military the helicopter watching him until he hid in the clouds – more of him nobody has seen.

Military and Chilean government agency CEFAA, engaged in similar extraterrestrial research, spent two years to find at least some logical explanation for this air incident, but could not get to the bottom of the truth. Neither meteorologists, neither space agencies, nor astrophysicists – in one in a word, no one could explain what it was. For instance, aeronautical engineers concluded that similar earthly aircraft simply does not exist, especially since it does not even numerous radars could detect.

In the video below you can see the declassified frames, which Chile’s research team decided to post on the web. Watch and draw your conclusions …

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