Chinese ufologist Li Jianmin examines skull alien

Ufaologist from China Li Jianmin examines the skull of an alienA photo from open sources

Researcher of UFOs and other abnormalities, 55 year old Li Jianmin (Li Jianmin) recently made a loud statement that he received an alien skull for research. True, in order that to make sure of this one hundred percent, it is necessary to carry out another DNA test.

Such a statement, as the publisher Express writes, the ufologist voiced at a seminar in Beijing on ufology. The man told the audience that the alleged alien skull to him provided for examination by a private collector (name not disclosed), who was lucky to acquire this unique thing once in Mongolia. He was sold to him by a street vendor.

The collector, as Li Jianmin says, did not attach at that time this purchase is of particular importance because it was cheap also very much like a fake, but for his collection of everything rare and exotic quite suited. But not so long ago he (not without the help of experts) suddenly realized that something was in his hands startling, so I turned to Li Jianmin with a request figure out what it really is.

A photo from open sources

According to Li Jianmin, he received from a collector really mysterious brown skull with a diameter of 16 centimeters. The two-layer bone framework that affects this skull is that not characteristic of earthly skulls. Li Jianmin spent many all kinds of analyzes, for example, Raman spectroscopy, used an atomic force microscope to compare with others alien skulls (alleged, naturally) found in different times in different countries. The expert wrote a whole scientific work in a hundred-plus pages, which proves that this is not a fake, the skull is real, but it is not yet clear to whom it can belong.

To put an end to this study, a Chinese ufologist requires a DNA test of the skull, which costs 100 thousand Chinese yuan (approximately one million Russian rubles). So far, Li Jianmin has such there are no funds, but he hopes that everyone who is interested in research, respond to his request and help him collect the right amount of money. The scientist promises to answer everyone and everything questions you are interested in.

I do not deny, the expert says, and I do not reject even the skeptical views, but I urge everyone who wants to argue with me in the realities of the existence of aliens, stock up on weighty evidence that they do not and cannot be, and that the remains no one has ever found aliens on Earth …

DNA time China

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