Christian blessing is a greeting Mr. Spock

Christian blessing is a greeting from Mr. Spock.A photo from open sources

According to American professor of anatomy Bennett Fatterman, gesture of christian blessing in the form of a half-open palm with folded with the ring finger and little finger could be completely different if It would not be damage to the ulnar nerve of the Apostle Peter.

The scientist published his discovery in the last issue of the journal Clinical Anatomy. According to the American researcher, the papal gesture familiar to Catholics turned out just that way because Peter had neuropathy of the ulnar nerve, which became a consequence of his leprosy. Since in Catholicism Apostle Peter is considered the first Roman pope, then all his religious followers just copied this gesture blessings, not really wondering what he means.

In fact, it was common for Jewish high priests to bless the people with the gesture of “Mr. Spock’s salute” (modern its name) when the index and middle fingers are half open palms depict the Latin letter “V”. Just such a greeting the apostle Peter also demonstrates, only to spread his fingers in he couldn’t physically Fatterman argues, confirming his findings by analysis numerous paintings and sculptures that depicted believers times of early christianity.

We clarify that the apostle Peter was one of the twelve disciples The Savior is Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, he is revered as the first Pope, and St. Peter’s Basilica is considered the main cult the building of the Vatican.

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