Close contact with an alien in Pinsk the area

In ufological literature you can find the most incredible stories of meetings with alleged “aliens from outer space.” Almost all of them seem fictitious in order to play gullible public. But it’s one thing to read about such incidents. in the press, the other is to personally interview eyewitnesses who have encountered this, which sometimes, despite the incredible nature of their story, nevertheless inspire confidence.

The event that will be discussed now took place in the evening 13 January 1990, but find out about him and conduct a survey of its participants we succeeded only in December 2007. Event Place – Village Grivkovichi, located in the outskirts of the Pinsk district in Brest region (Republic of Belarus).

Close contact with an alien in the Pinsk regionA photo from open sources

The immediate eyewitness is Alexander N. (a name by virtue of the well-known reasons changed) made a confidential impression. Moreover, his particular social position does not contributes to the dissemination of self-similar stories that may only damage reputation. For this reason, Alexander and kept what happened to him in secret, daring to share this only with some of my friends who wouldn’t raise him to laughter. Thanks to common acquaintances, this story got into our hands.

That evening before the Old New Year (on Shchedryk) Alexander returned home from the hunt, however, this time without prey. Washed changed clothes, fed the dogs. I have not touched food, since hunger is still tormented, and passed the evening with a family watching on TV KVN. Closer to midnight, my appetite still raged, and Alexander decided heat a frying pan with freshness on a stove. On the street at that time was frosty – 8-10 degrees below zero. When Alexander looked out he noticed something strange: absolutely dead reigned in the yard unnatural silence and thick darkness.

After some time, when it is time to shoot with slab pan, the front door creaked and someone entered. Looking in the hall, the owner of the house almost froze: there were two “aliens”. Alexander was familiar with those overwhelmed during the period publicity by mass publications about UFOs and “contacts with aliens”, however, seriously did not listen to this and did not even think that personally you yourself will have to survive this. Uninvited aliens moved closer to him. The manner of their movement was also strange: they moved sideways, moving one leg to the other. For all the time they did not utter a word of contact.

Drawing of an eyewitness.

A photo from open sources

They looked very strange … Lower than an eyewitness, growth – they barely reached his nose (1.5-1.6 m, possibly 1.7 m), why had to look at them as if from top to bottom. They were dressed in bright green (as if luminescent) overalls, leaving only the face open. Heads set deep, neckless shoulders as if started at ear level. I remember only how guests looked to the waist, about the second half of the body an eyewitness is nothing could not remember. Faces could be mistaken for ordinary human if not for a number of details …

They had a striking long tapered chin, descending almost to the middle of the chest and educated whether elongated lower jaw, or second fat chin. Leather the face was very mottled with copious fine wrinkles. It seemed that their age was very great – “six hundred years.” Gray eyes seemed surprisingly kind (“kind to infinity, like father looks at his son “), it seemed that they were not placed on his face as wide as humans, but a little closer to the bridge of the nose.

Met eyes, and here from the eyes of aliens began to come golden rays similar to those seen with a squint looking at the lamp. After that, all the witness’s concern is as if It evaporated and immediately escaped:

– Oh … hello! I know who you are! Come in, guests will be!

After an invitation to the house, they moved into one of the rooms and sat down on the chairs around the table. The guests were silent and throughout time literally did not take their eyes off the owner, just staring on him. A frying pan was set on the table. And then a look the owner of the house fell on a bottle that once stood in the sideboard vodka. According to the laws of hospitality, he decided without any second thoughts. treat them according to all the rules. Three glasses were immediately delivered and filled with relevant content. I really wanted to with them talk, ask about them:

– Well, let’s … Food freezes. Let’s drink a glass Tell me what you want from me, and I will ask you, we will talk.

But Alexander did not succeed in drinking that day. As soon as he took up a glass with the intention of celebrating such an acquaintance, right there “disconnected” (“sober absolutely human” – emphasized eyewitness).

The return to consciousness took place with a rather strange circumstances. He was sitting on a chair, but his upper body was in a horizontal position – as if his back was still on one stool. But there was no support there. He without special effort lay in the air. With the same ease, without muscle tension of the abdominal muscles, an eyewitness rose to a sitting position position. There were no guests, their glasses were empty, and his remained complete. The frying pan with untouched freshness has already managed to cool.

An unusual emptiness and pleasant lightness were felt in my head. But with the thought “where did the guests go?” in the head on the right side a signal resembling Morse code sounded and after it something suddenly “slammed” and the skull filled again sensation of ordinary earth pressure.

This event was confirmed by the wife of an eyewitness – Lyudmila N. (name also changed). She was in the next room opposite (in the nursery) and watched TV with her little son. She I heard a strange sound and the fact that her husband was not alone. Her I wanted to go out to look at the guests, but I couldn’t to move. She was seized by a stupor and complete immobility, and later, she turned off completely, as if she had failed in oblivion or sleep.

When this strange state passed, she entered the neighboring room and saw her husband sitting on a chair. Nobody naturally except for him there was. The husband had strange bewildered, frightened and detached eyes. Lyudmila told him to go to sleep. Since morning in the kitchen she found a pan, three clean plates, forks and glasses with the smell of vodka. When asked who he drank with, he received answer: “Aliens came to me.” They decided no one about it speak so as not to be known as crazy. But as the wife noticed eyewitness, the whole next day her husband was confused and depressed state.

But the story does not end there

The story of a failed attempt to drink a glass with aliens from space, of course, looks ridiculous and comical. This served one of the reasons to remain silent even in those years when stories about meetings with the unknown weren’t such a shameful thing. Absurd the nature of the situation during contact is generally characteristic of many the described cases of so-called close contacts of the third kind, what has been repeatedly addressed by some by researchers.

Therefore, this circumstance can hardly be considered evidence. the unreliability of the story. Not every respected person will become spread fictional stories in the style of jokes about yourself. By in our opinion, in the described case, this should also be taken into account, before making hasty conclusions.

We cannot guarantee the veracity of this whole story, but we can report that during the survey the eyewitness produced the most favorable impression as sincere and not prone to hoaxes man. In any case, the impression was that Alexander himself is sincerely convinced of the reality of everything what happened.

Experienced experiences can be real, but is it all what was described actually took place – this is another matter. IN witness testimony there are moments that may testify to the presence of Alexander in an altered state consciousness during contact, which could well be provoked by external exposure.

Another interesting aspect in such cases is the question is why precisely these or other people become participants in such events? Are they different from other people? If so, with what? At conducting surveys is worth paying attention to.

As practice shows, in some cases, eyewitnesses confess that they’re not the first to encounter unusual situations in own life. Alexander N. belongs to the same category. Him with his wife happened to be in the role of eyewitnesses of UFOs in the sky above her the village. These cases were also recorded:

The beginning of April 1990, der. Grivkovichi.

Having examined the domestic cattle, Alexander went out for a walk along outskirts in one of the quiet April evenings. There was silence. And here he is noticed northeastward behind the pumping station, standing in meters of the 500s, flying low above the horizon (angular height about or less than 10 g.) white lights. Speed ​​of their movement was comparable to the speed of a helicopter. The lights were round, with clear edges – not blurry, like car headlights, namely clearly defined. Their luminosity was like a normal daylight shine.

An eyewitness began to count: one, two, three … – said hunting habit to recount observed objects, for example, birds in the sky. In total there were 11 of them, stretched over quite decent distance, subjectively determined by an eyewitness in two kilometers (about 90 angular degrees). The height of their flight above the ground approximately 100 meters, estimated distance from observer – 0.8-1 kilometer.

And then during the observation it suddenly turned out that the lights, by Apparently, belonged to a single object, which slowly rotated around its axis: front in the direction of the light (porthole?) disappeared, and a new one appeared from behind (from right to left). The rotation was so slow that it was not immediately apparent. Initially, the object was seen in the direction of the farm, from where it shifted left to the northwest, until it disappeared from view behind trees in the side of the villages of Borichevichi and Vuyvichi. Total time observation was about 1.5-2 minutes.

Date unknown, village Grivkovichi. Witness – Lyudmila N.

When exactly this happened is unknown, around the winter in the period of the events described above. In the evening at about 18.00 she left houses for wood for the stove. Being near the barn, she noticed on southwest a bright luminous ball similar in color to the sun. is he slowly approaching from behind the forest to the village and, reaching the first house on the outskirts, began to retreat again.

Then everything repeated again, and he completely disappeared behind the forest. The total observation time took about 10 minutes. Lyudmila is very she was scared, because at this time he was supposed to return from her hunt husband – just from the side of the UFO plowing the sky. During observation she noted no oddities – neither extraneous sounds, nor psychophysical effects, no signs of animal anxiety in the village.

Alexander N. happened to become a member of another mysterious incident, but this time by no means ufological. It happened it’s on a winter hunt in one of located near it villages of forests. Returning with his dog home, he walked along to a familiar forest where I’ve hunted many times already and knew these places thoroughly. The day before it snowed, there was not a single trace around. IN in one place he decided to cut the path so as not to make a detour the trail.

And then a strange thing happened … He abruptly ended up in a completely unfamiliar place for him. The hunter was among the unreached tall centuries-old trees that I have never seen here. These were real giants – almost 150 meters high. Turned in the other side – the road was blocked by the same fallen tree. It was so massive and long that neither climb over it nor it was not possible to get around.

There was no dog nearby, she did not respond to the call. Had to back in their tracks. Went to familiar places discovered a dog and returned home. He felt like had a chance to visit a completely different world. Alexander is sure that a similar place with giant trees in this thoroughly famous he was not a forest and does not exist. Subsequent attempts to find him again did not succeed.

It’s amazing that so much has fallen to one person mysterious incidents. Most of their lives fail to meet at least one miracle, even despite a strong desire touch the secret. Perhaps this distinguishes Alexander from others. For some coincidence, here three coincided circumstances: person, time and place. The man who was lucky on wonders. The time when the shaft of UFO reports has already stopped someone surprise.

And the place … In those years on the territory of Pinsky and adjacent parts Ivanovo and Stolin districts of observation of unidentified flying objects were not uncommon.

Victor Gaiduchik

Dog Life Time

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