Condemning the demonic book for children …

Condemning the demonic book for children ...Photos from open sources of

The Internet is gaining momentum controversy surrounding a children’s book on Demons – Summon Demons, which recently appeared in selling on Amazon, which is by no means a collection of fairy tales, but practical guide how to summon and use the rulers of the subtle world evil.

Written by a certain Aaron Leighton, a book includes 72 demons and offers symbols with which you can call any of them and ask for something, order to do it. Clerics of the world, as well as spiritual leaders, are shocked by such the irresponsibility of both the author and the publisher, not to mention Amazon guide. For example, here’s what it says about this books father Francesco Bamonte, who is Presidents of the International Association of Exorcists:

It’s unheard of to release a book for children, which is not much different from genuine magic and witchcraft guides to summon demons and spirits of the dead, known as books grimoires (make-up). It’s all one to give your baby in your arms. a real grenade in the expectation that he will not be able to pull out a check. And if he can? ..

A photo from open sources

Leighton himself claims that Summon Demons is written in the form paranormal parody that’s funny and nothing more than ordinary game book. But neither he nor anyone else can guarantee how this “game book” will affect to another child, although the truth has long been known that demons are not worth it cause even a joke, even without any magic spells and characters. And here – and spells, and symbols …

Conspirologists immediately linked Summon Demons to a “dark project,” started allegedly by the world government back in the seventies last century in order to spread evil in our world. Exactly therefore, they say, such a terrible book (you just think, for children!) did not meet with resistance neither at the publisher, nor even at Amazon World Trade Leader.

While the controversy surrounding the demonic publication flares up, everyone understands that, condemning the Summon Demons, willingly or involuntarily, everyone makes an excellent advertisement for her, and free and at the highest world level. But do not blame – no way! ..

A photo from open sources

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