“Cosmopoisk” follows the footsteps of the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenki

A photo from open sources Ufologists – members of the organization “Cosmopoisk” arrived in the Chelyabinsk region with an expedition. Governing association Vadim Chernobrov explained that scientists intend to verify several hypotheses that are connected with the mysteries of the past.

So, specialists study old materials relatively a possible UFO crash in a forest near Kyshtym. Scientists hope to find traces of the “flying saucer” on which he arrived on Earth Kyshtym dwarf. Recall that this creature has discovered and pensioner Tamara Prosvirina kept at home for some time. She gave the dwarf a name – Aleshenka.

Many years have passed, but today Kyshtymsky Aleshenka is still excites scientists. I returned to the study of this issue Cosmopoisk organization.

This expedition is the tenth in a row. Researchers will try bring together several hypotheses, possibly related to the mysterious humanoid that was found here in 1996.

Vadim Chernobrov said that scientists are interested in a number of mysterious phenomena, including a meteorite fall. One of the inhabitants Kyshtyma sent a message to the Academy of Sciences, in which he talked about large meteorite in the area. The meteorite had a silver color and resembled an elongated cigar in shape.

Local enthusiast also discovered several burnt holes in trees, by which it is easy to determine the speed and angle of incidence celestial body. It turns out that the meteorite flew from Kyshtym to Snezhinsk. It happened exactly when they unfolded main Kyshtym events. Thus, the main task expedition members – find out if there is a connection between these facts.

A photo from open sources

According to Vadim Chernobrov, the assumption of a UFO crash based on eyewitness accounts. Researchers are now working. with information from various sources. Written analysis in progress readings, photographs, diagrams and sketches. Ufologists hope detect traces of the spaceship in which it landed an alien, and finally solve the mystery of the Kyshtym dwarf.

Kosmopoisk is going to use the new data soon: scientists expect an expedition to Latin America, where, according to available information (not fully verified), was found “fellow” of our Aleshenka. The purpose of the future expedition is to conduct at least preliminary comparison of two mysterious creatures. In a word The Kyshtym theme goes far beyond Kyshtym itself.

… In Chile in 2003, next to an abandoned church, one of the local residents found a white creature wrapped in white cloth that the scales are dark in color …


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