Crazed aliens spotted on the moon

Mysterious objects were filmed on the surface of the moon Photos from open sources YouTube frame Mysterious objects, randomly rushing from side to side, found in frames shooting the surface of the moon Internet users. Somebody think, what does this mean the presence of aliens on the Earth’s satellite, writes The Daily Mail. The lunar video posted on Thursday on YouTube user danchek2013. On a record made obviously with telescope, seen from a darkened area of ​​the lunar surface one after another two luminous points fly out. Objects that leave lines similar to inversion traces from aircraft engines are rapidly accelerating over craters, sharply change direction several times and hide from mind. Opinion of YouTube users regarding what they saw split up. Some commentators suggested that behavior objects testifies to their extraterrestrial origin. “I first thought: “Yeah, another companion.” But then another one appeared, which flew faster, and he so abruptly changed the trajectory, “- writes King Dennis Jensen.

Other commentators do not share this view. Some of those who watched the video suggested that it could be ordinary a speck of dust, an airplane or a high flying bird. And others suggested what is a primitive installation. Recall this is not the first evidence of the possible presence of aliens on the moon. So, ufologists spotted a UFO in a video of a solar eclipse, held last May. And in 2006, the participant of the first moon expedition Edwin Aldrin said during the flight “Apollo 11” astronauts clearly saw a certain flying object, which accompanied their ship. The crew reported a meeting with a UFO on Earth, however, NASA leadership allegedly decided not to give this information publicized.


Moon Aircraft

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