“Crying” figurine

"Crying" figurinePhoto from open sources

Malaysian resident Michael George meets every day at his home to the hundreds of pilgrims who come here to touch “crying” figurine of the Virgin Mary.

This unique porcelain figurine, only thirty three centimeter high, a resident of Penampang received as a gift – from the wife of an older brother. Moreover, the latter bought it in the Philippines in an ordinary souvenir shop. Moreover, first the figurine is faith yourself “quietly” like all such things, and only after a fifty-year-old believing man consecrated her in a local parish, porcelain Virgin Mary suddenly “cried.”

The first to see her tears was Michael’s son. It was so it is amazing that I could not believe my eyes, the man recalls, we were afraid even leave her unattended that day. However the figurine continued to drop tears the next day, and still “cries”, why do pilgrims flock to George’s house hoping to solve their problems or get rid of diseases by touching this a miracle.

A local priest already knows about the myrrh-streaming statuette of the Virgin Mary Rev. Jeffery Gumu, who told reporters who arrived write about this unique event that soon, next to the temple a room will be specially built for this wonderful the divine image of the Virgin Mary. Preliminary agreement the owner of the figurine has already been received, especially since the pilgrims, flocking every day to his house, bring the owner too much hassle.

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