Curiosity rover filmed a UFO again

UFO of almost classical – plate-shaped form is visible in the picture, made using one of NASA’s many robotic cameras “Curiosity” (Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity) – one that called navigation (Navcam: Right B). It is located on the right. along the way.

Object came into view of “Curiosity” – March 31, 2014 (586 Martian day) at 10 hours 8 minutes. It was just lit rays of the rising sun. It seems that the “plate” is very fast moves. In pictures taken earlier and later, it is not.

Curiosity rover filmed a UFO againA photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Another UFO is clearly visible in the picture taken with camera “Curiosity”, located on the case – Front Hazcam. There are eight such cameras. They are black and white, equipped with wide-angle lenses, take pictures of panoramas, help to navigate and Get directions.

UFO appeared right on the course of “Curiosity” – January 5, 2014 (504 Martian day) at 23 hours 26 minutes 37 seconds. In the picture the object is located a little to the right and looks like a bright cone. A bright the cone looks like rocket exhaust. Or inversion trail.

UFO filmed by Curiosity in January 2014

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Either the track, or the exhaust is directed down. So the object itself rises? Confirmation that the UFO was moving can serve as a picture taken by the same camera, but a little later – after 6 minutes 29 seconds There is no longer an object on it – it flew away.

Mars Mars rover Curiosity

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