November 19, 1957 Cynthia Appleton from Eston, busy satellite city of Birmingham (UK), experienced an extraordinary adventure. At least that’s what she told reporters, to ufologists and their husband two months later. Cynthia was then 27 years. A few years earlier she had married metalworker Ronald Appleton. They settled on Fantam Road, 87. Lived like all families – the husband worked like a damn, to provide for his wife and two children – Susan and Janice. November 19th was typical day. Cynthia was doing housework. And suddenly! Photos from open sources Unfortunately, the network is available on request only such a photograph of Cynthia with a child. “That was the day, afternoon. My children were resting, and I entered the room where the child slept in a wheelchair. There, just a few feet away, stood this slender blond. He was no different from an ordinary person, except that was dressed in a tight-fitting one-piece suit gray steel, and on his head was something like a transparent domes. I froze in horror. And he began to speak. He said that we wrong fly into space and that people from their world – what, he does not called – they’ll fly to Earth before we fly to them. ” Cynthia’s first public announcement was only a faint shadow of her stories that attracted the attention of ufologists and the press for three years. It seems like it really started on November 16th when she lost consciousness. This, as the aliens told her later, was “failed contact attempt.” The contact on November 19 began when Appleton realized that “the atmosphere outside turned pink, as if there pink materialized. The light did not seem to penetrate room. “Then the creature appeared in a room from nowhere, and the lighting became normal again. It “spoke to me right in my mind, saying: “Do not be afraid.” The alien appeared “like a television the picture on the screen is fuzzy at first, and then everything became clear. ” At the time of his appearance, she heard a whistle, similar to the one publish old radios when tuned to a station. Lips he was moved as if he were speaking, but she did not hear the words. Is he, he seemed to read her mind and also answered telepathically. “Our world is like and yours, – he said, – also revolves around the Sun … “Alien stated that he “is from another world, but our world does not want to conquer yours. “He supposedly knows about our experiments with space flights, but the method that earthlings use is incorrect: “Your scientists counteract the powerful gravitational force vertically up, then how you should fly laterally. “Having said that, he he spread his arms slowly, and a “television screen” appeared between them. The image on it looked like a hologram (still unknown in 1950s), three-dimensional, colorful. “Live image” like Cynthia called it showed “classic flying saucers” flat edge and transparent dome. There were three hemispheres below: “Space the ships were not like anything I had seen before. They are took off, hovering in space for 2-3 seconds, rushed to the left, then very quickly flew to the right. “Short course cymbal technology included a demonstration of the energy source of the plates, which she then sketched and showed to Dr. Dale. Her drawing depicted a central hub with a series of curved knitting needles; they spin and “collect energy” from the atmosphere. They told her: “Your most powerful energy at the bottom of the sea. It’s full of it, just take it. “Visitor confessed to Cynthia that he arrived from the planet Gharnasvarn, which earthlings called Venus, and promised to return. (Later Ufologist Brinsley Le Pozrtrench recorded from Cynthia the clarification: Gharnasvarn, or Ghanus Valln is not a planet, but a country on Venus.) Screen “holographic television” went out and disappeared with the creature – “suddenly he was gone.” Appleton told Dale that the visitor is “not seemed like a vision because it was three-dimensional and I could not see through him. He seemed to be actually here. “She noticed that the creature stood on a sheet of an old newspaper on which burns appeared. Dale saw burns and noticed that they looked like the result of a “lightning strike or a small discharge electricity. “Unfortunately, the journalists took the newspaper and did not return it. Gordon Creighton, future editor of Flying Saucer Review, also spoke with Appleton for a long time. She told him the same thing as Dale, but added something about the tasks of the Venusians on Earth. Alien said Cynthia: “We visit your world to get what we lack, from the bottom of the ocean. “Appleton thought the substance was named titium. When her husband returned from work, she asked if it could to be, and he said: “Probably this is titanium.” She also told Creighton that the Venusians are very worried: “sickle bearers and hammers “are developing weapons that can destroy matter, not throwing a shell. In other words, the Russians are developing some kind of “death ray”. According to guests from outer space, “the Divine itself dwells in heart and nucleus of an atom. “On January 7, 1958 she was visited again alien. He appeared suddenly, accompanied by a flash of pink of light, but this time with another creature whom he called “boss”. They were both without helmets, and now she was able to see that the first visitor has long hair, up to the shoulders, “superior” shorter brown hair. They explained to her that “special brain waves” are used for contact and that they themselves appear here not in the physical body, but as projections. Cynthia asked why the aliens are not looking for more open contacts with by humanity. She was told that such an action could cause widespread panic. No one can predict the consequences of such contact in such a divided world as ours. She asked if she could husband see them. “No,” was the answer, “his brain is not able to receive such signals. “During visits, the room became noticeable warmer. After the aliens disappeared, she felt itchy skin, ringing in the ears and a smell similar to the smell of sulfur. February 7, 1958 rang out doorbell. Behind the door stood an alien, this time dressed in earthly clothes. “I’ve been here before,” a startled woman heard. He came in his physical form because he burned his hand. Under his usual clothes were a metal suit. Obeying the alien, Cynthia boiled water and slightly cooled ev. Alien put his hand in the water, showing no signs of pain. Few seconds later he took out his hand and said that since there are bacteria on Earth, need to get an injection. Pulled out an object the size of a pen, put in it capsule. She helped him while touching the suit – “elastic and extremely slippery.” Creature touched “pen” to the hand – an instant flash of white light. And the creature taking out the capsule, threw it into the fireplace. Capsule burned out completely bluish-white flame. Cynthia the alien ordered nothing touch, as this may damage her. He pulled out a tube and applied some gel over the burn. She was surprised to see that the gel hardened almost immediately, forming a protective layer. After treatment the alien said: “If you want, you can become our student.” She agreed, and he gave a long lecture on the nature of life. IN further lessons continued. When the alien disappeared, Cynthia found a piece of skin in the water. He was taken for analysis in Birmingham University, but to determine its nature failed. Dr. Dale took part of the skin in Manchester, where university scientists examined it under an electron microscope. They concluded that, more likely of all, this is the skin of an animal, not of a person, but rather nothing to say failed. Patrick Kent, a Sunday People reporter, asked Cynthia’s four-year-old daughter, does she remember any of the visits Venusians. “Yes,” the girl replied, “I remember how my mother washed her hand man with funny long hair. “During subsequent the aliens dropped their space surroundings and appeared in black business suits and hats. Instead of materializing, they They came to her in a big black car with tinted windows. During one meeting, Cynthia was told that the “plate” is waiting for them in the surroundings of Edinburgh. During each of the six (or so) visits for 1958 Venusian friends continued to pass on to her information about yourself and your beliefs. Jenny randles working with notes by Dr. Dale, writes: “She was assured that there was no time exist. This is a philosophical invention of mankind. We are not we understand that all living things are connected with each other in the deep, internal level and not separated from each other like we we assume. She was told that the basis for cancer treatment is change in the vibrational frequency of atoms at the subatomic level. “Cynthia showed an image of two asteroids that collide, causing widespread panic and devastation on Earth. This, they told her will happen soon. During a visit on August 18, an alien handed her “message” is a thin piece of metal foil with some kind of symbol, which then “mysteriously” disappeared. Cynthia painted him by memory. Ufologists immediately recognized the characters that were on the letter, allegedly received by contactor George Adams-kim from the Venusians. 10 May 1959 an article appeared in Sunday People under the screaming heading “Gt going to have a baby from Venus” (“I’m going to give birth to a Venusian child “). It said that the Venusians having appeared in September 1958, they told Cynthia that she was waiting the child. Appleton was washing when an alien entered the door and calmly said: “Your husband will be his father, but the child will be belong to the genus Gharnasvarn. “That was news to her, but the alien confirmed that Cynthia will give birth at the end of May 1959 weighing 3.3 kg. He will become the “leader of mankind” at the age of 14, and he will have to be called Matthew. Cynthia knew that she was not pregnant. However, she went to the doctor, and it turned out that the alien was right: she was pregnant for about a month – since the alien showed up in her house.
Photos from open sources
The birth began on June 1, 1959, and at 00.02 on June 2 Cynthia gave birth a blond boy weighing a little over 3.3 kg. She called him – how else? – Matthew. Shortly after giving birth, Cynthia received telepathic message that her friend from Venus is going to her peep – this time with a friend from Uranus. Ron Appleton stated this: “I believe everything Cynthia tells me, but I want to talk to him … If he shows up here, I’ll say that it’s me who is Matthew’s father. And if he will not give me the necessary answers, I will break his cute face with a crowbar. His a friend from Uranus will rake the same thing. “On this contacts, it seems, are over. Matthew was 14 years old on June 1, 1973, but this year he did not become the “leader of mankind.” Did not happen and the promised collision of asteroids. Ufologists are still arguing over there were contacts of Mrs. Appleton. Skeptics have suggested that she is everything invented during postpartum depression after reading George’s books Adam, or came up with “visitors from Gharnasvarna” to hide from the husband an extramarital affair. A number of ufologists believe that over Cynthia conducted experiments of the special services, subjecting it to hypnosis and even raping, when she was helpless. Other researchers believe that real aliens deceived her, telling fascinating tales about Venus – “the abode of peace and harmony.” Which of they are right, it is unlikely to be able to find out: these days Cynthia and her son ufologists have not yet been able to find.
Venus Water Time