Dad drove aliens?

The renunciation of Benedict XVI may be due to reasons космического масштаба Dad drove the aliens away?Фото из открытых источников

Earth needs People in Black

Ufological conspirologists saw a strange connection in that the pope retired after the experts Davos World Economic Forum deemed serious the threat posed by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Unlikely, of course, the pontiff was scared of probable contacts with the aliens, which probably would not have been without the participation of the higher clergy. Things will not come to this soon. But serious upheavals of foundations aliens are able to provide faith. Without even visiting Earth.

So, participants in the international economic forum, which was recently held in Davos, Switzerland, quite seriously discussed, how much human civilization risks coming into contact with aliens. Or simply from learning about existence other civilizations in the universe. And let the panel on which discussion, was considered debatable and called the “X-factor”, such The topic has been raised. The authoritative scientific journal contributed to this. Nature.

“Probably in ten years we will find out that the Earth is not the only a planet of the universe on which there is life, “said the participants forum. And they recognized that threats from meeting with representatives extraterrestrial civilizations really exist. Experts called the world community to evaluate them and prepare for a meeting with aliens. Moreover, a proposal was made to create special services of the type “People in black” who would detect aliens to timely respond to the danger emanating from space.

Forum participants emphasized that not only should be feared direct contacts with a different mind, but also hypothetical. They are predict: “Even the discovery of a possible germ of life on another the planet will cause talk about the possible existence of life in Universe, which in turn will undermine the foundations of philosophy and religion. ”

God is one for the whole universe

It’s no coincidence that the Catholic Church still a few years ago began to promote the idea that the Lord could to create not only people, but also green people. And what can combine faith in God and in brothers in mind. This is narrated a kind of programmatic article under the big title “Aliens – my brothers, “published in the newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. Her publishes the Vatican. The author of the article is not some ufologist fanatic, but himself father Jose Gabriel Funes – recognized astronomer in the scientific community and the head of the Vatican Observatory – Speccola, located in summer residence of the pope. In it, by the way, in this residence, the retired pontiff will move.

Funes declared that faith in God and in intelligent life on others planets do not contradict each other. Moreover, he assumes that aliens exist. Including far overtaking us in development. But the same Lord God created them all, which is one for the entire universe.

– Since a great variety of creatures is represented on Earth, then there may certainly be others created by God, including reasonable, – the astronomer preaches. – Do not we limit it creative freedom. Like, even St. Francis of Assisi counted all earthly creatures by our brothers and sisters. So why don’t people treat aliens the same way? How to brothers? After all, they – part of the divine plan.

According to the scientist, humanoid brothers in reason are on a par with people can count on the atonement and salvation granted By Jesus Christ, and also by divine mercy.

By the way, the revelation of Father Gabriel is by no means the first of its kind. The predecessor of Benedict XVI Pope John Paul II also spoke in 1999 that the almighty Lord was free to create intelligent life not only on Earth.

Christians are scared

The Pope’s abdication was preceded by a case study, conducted by order of the Vatican Ted Peters – professor-theologian from Berkeley. He figured out whether world religions would really collapse after it becomes clear that aliens exist? Will faith in God ever shake?

More than a third of believers – out of several thousand respondents – answered these questions are positive. About 40 percent of Buddhists felt that the indisputable fact of the existence of brothers in mind will create insurmountable problems for world religions. Same 69 percent of atheists have an opinion.

It seems that the church, especially the Catholic one, is actually waiting Hard times. Even scientists predict this.

– Christians believe that Jesus came to Earth to save humanity – not dolphins, Neanderthals or some aliens, commented Paul Davis, an astrobiologist from Arizona University Peters study results. – A the presence of aliens suggests the following: either it is necessary to increase the number of Jesus – according to his Son of God for every inhabited planet, or come up with a reason why only humanity has been honored special attention of the Lord.


Agree, a chain of seemingly disparate facts, gathered together, testifies: the ufological version of renunciation Pope has the right to exist along with others. She not even the craziest of the recent ones.

What is it? Scientists do not know what to do with aliens in There is no UN plan, the flock is at a loss … Who knows, maybe for in order to counter threats from outer space, far more power than Benedict XVI left?


The aliens are approaching

It seems that the conclusions reached in Davos and the Vatican have become a consequence of recent efforts by scientists.

On the one hand, potentially inhabited worlds are becoming more and more thanks to the research that astronomers are doing with using the Kepler orbiting telescope. NASA Specialists For example, they announced that by 2013, 2740 had been discovered. exoplanets. And that they – planets – are very common objects in the Universe. Most stars have it.

– Now we have no doubt that someday we will find an exact copy Earth, said Steven Howell, encouraged by the latest discoveries, one of the leading researchers working with the telescope Kepler.

On the other hand, the aliens themselves also ceased to be conscious. people with some supernatural beings. To the fact that they exist, in fact, began to get used to. But, according to all the same Nature’s journal, biologists and astronomers still don’t know how act if an extraterrestrial mind is suddenly discovered.

Scientists are sure that a certain action plan is needed in case of contact with aliens. But he is not. And not a single government has the concept of responding to such discoveries.

Only experts who work on the SETI program – try to catch signals from neighbors in The universe. They are instructed to carefully verify the data received, Then give them international publicity. And do not rush to answer.

“The action plan needs to be adopted at the UN level,” he urged. a few years ago Martin Dominic, an astrophysicist from the British University of St. Andrews. And hinted: there is a possibility alien aggression. Like, “reason … and social life in other worlds they may, like on Earth, be associated with violence. ”

Vladimir Lagovsky

Vatican City Universe Life Telescope

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