Dad hid prophecies about Russia

Details of the most sensational prediction about fate Russia given by the Virgin in the Portuguese town of Fatima will be hidden from humanity for another six years. Vatican forbade opening access to the diary of the nun Lucia, who became a witness in childhood this miracle, at least until 2014. Photos from open sources Secret archives relating to time the reign of Pope Pius XII, in which the message of Fatima is also stored will remain lying on the dusty shelves of the office of the Vatican, Such decision of the head of the Catholic Church of Pope Benedict XVI. – Work on cataloging and viewing 16 million documents takes time, and we just don’t have enough specially trained people for this, – Vatican spokesman Frédérico Lombard explained. -Therefore, the opening of archives dating back to 1939 to 1958, impossible. It is known that they still remain classified! ” some parts of the records left to the world by the nun Lucia – the only witness to the prophetic manifestations of the Virgin three children in Portuguese Fatima, who lived to be an adult age .– In 1917, Lucia and two other children, her friends shepherds, every month on a certain day they saw the Virgin Mary. The guys hit their parents first, then their village, and later the whole world with prophetic stories. From the mouth of the Virgin they learned about the upcoming changes. So, for example, through their the young messengers the Mother of God announced that in Russia there will be revolution, that there will be a state that will destroy the church, that World War II will begin. Lucia grew up, became a nun and transferred her notes to the archives of the Vatican, the Prophecies of Faty-we come true with amazing accuracy. Revolution broke out, arose The Soviet Union, destroying temples and priests, began a new World War. The main details of the predictions the Vatican decided publish another 15 years ago. In 2006 during the reign of the Pope John Paul II published an expanded edition. Appeared in it several chapters on predictions of universal significance Of Russia. They say that Russia will be saved by turning to God, and that through transformed Russia – the power of the world and heavenly love, established by the power of the Life-giving Cross, shining from the Solovetsky Mountain, a great victory will be accomplished the Babylonian harlot and the red dragon described in the Apocalypse. But a few chapters of Lucia’s diaries about the prophecies of the Virgin remained closed. They say they have legends about the future. Russia, prophecies about the assassination attempt on the Pope, about financial crisis, which will again turn the world to God. But when the new dad Roman Benedict XVI will allow the opening of archives, is still unknown. One of the reasons the head of the Vatican is not to rush declassify the caches is that a lot of them are stored documents regarding the conduct of Catholic priests during Nazism. Some Western publications blamed Joseph himself Ratzinger, Palu Benedict XVI, in sympathy with the fascist regime – there is a photograph in which he, as a teenager, is dressed in a military form of Nazi Germany. In childhood, the current Pope was member of the Hitler Youth. True, he prefers not to recall this. Ghosts appeared in laboratory conditions. Scientists tried to figure out what was going on in the brain of a person who how he seems to be watching the appearance of ghosts. For now there is confirmed evidence that some “ghosts” – causing brain fluctuations caused by peak changes in electromagnetic fields surrounding a person and trapping low-frequency sound waves (infrasound). Electromagnetic fields generated by power lines, radio stations and other electrical appliances and devices, can dispel the myth of the other world once and for all, believes study leader, Canadian neurophysiologist Michael Persinger from the University of Lawrence. He recalls one incident. Seventeen-year-old girl who received a lung at birth brain damage, claimed to be at night to her is the Holy Spirit. She also “felt” the presence of the invisible baby on his left shoulder. Persinger and his colleagues found in headboard girl ordinary electronic watch. Testing confirmed the guess of scientists: the clock generated an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength similar to those that cause seizures epilepsy in humans. After the watch is removed from the head, the girl’s visions ceased. Persinger sure electromagnetic waves from a watch combined with a chronic injury brain and were the factors behind the appearance of “visions”. Despite the confidence of Michael Persinger and his colleagues that electromagnetic radiation is directly related to mystical visions, it was still required to prove. The psychologist took up the matter Christopher French from London Goldsmiths College. Throughout four years, he and his colleagues created a special “room ghosts from an ordinary London apartment. The walls of the room were filled with electromagnetic devices and infrasound generators. 79 volunteers were found via the Internet, who were offered to spend some time in a darkened room and warned that during the experiment they can observe strange visions, feel someone else’s presence or experience others unusual sensations. The subjects first alternately, and then simultaneously exposed to electromagnetic waves and infrasound. Most experiment participants did not observe no paranormal phenomena, but felt dizzy and horrified. The experimenters did not expect such a reaction, but could not confidence to assert that a sense of fear arose in the subjects due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Christopher French studied the famous “haunted houses” and now claims to be “see” something paranormal capable of only a person who in this firmly believes: “In a dark old house, of course, full of strange sounds, but people who believe are ready to see something that is not register even our devices. “Already on sale” liquid cigarettes. “In early November, the Dutch company United Drinks and Beauty Corporation announced the release of a new product – so called “liquid cigarettes”. This is a drink that supposedly causes the same sensations like a smoked cigarette. The drink contains extract some African plant, “causing a light invigorating effect” turning into a euphoric sense of calm, “- said Hertman. The drink does not contain nicotine and is safe even for children, and it’s also not addictive, manufacturers say. IN ASH’s anti-tobacco organizations question these assurances. The representative of the organization, Amanda Sanford, believes that this drink probably less harmful than cigarettes, but her concern is the fact that virtually nothing is known about “liquid cigarettes”. Sanford says it’s impossible without serious clinical trials Find out if this drink is safe for children. By her opinion, it is necessary to oblige manufacturers to accompany the drink warnings about possible harm and limit its places distribution. It is estimated that “liquid cigarettes” will appear on store shelves are about to. The drink will cost about three dollars per jar. Bio beer lengthens our lives. American Scientists from the University of Rais created more amazing beer BioBeer. it beer is based on genetically modified yeast, producing resveratrol, a substance that is present in red the fault. Resveratrol is thought to prevent diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other related aging organism diseases. When resveratrol gets into organism, it activates an enzyme that plays an important role in metabolism, positively affecting life expectancy person. “Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown” №23

Vatican War Time Life Plants Russia

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