Photos from open sources of
In February at the Symposium “Innovative Advanced Ideas”, conducted by the American Aerospace Agency, an astronomer, SETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) participant Seth Shostak said that, according to NASA scientists, contact with aliens is possible by 2040 already. To this moment, according to him, earthlings will be able to thoroughly explore the most remote corners of space and most likely find planets on which there may exist mind. “I’m just sure over the next two decades we can find intelligent civilizations, “the scientist announced, calling heated debate between supporters and opponents of the contact of earthlings with aliens. Write letters Disputes have been going on for a long time. FROM on the one hand, SETI project participants, including Shostak himself, which has long promoted the idea of interplanetary communications. With another – scientists warning earthlings about the fatal danger of such contacts. To date, astronomers have managed to study several thousand stellar systems and find more than a thousand exoplanets, similar to the Earth in size, remoteness from its star and others parameters that suggest the presence of living creatures. However, no life, despite all efforts, until found. Nevertheless, as Seth Shostak asserts, “we may will have to explore several million stellar systems. Maybe, just a million is the right number to detect something worth it. “By 2040 it is planned to investigate just such a number potentially inhabited celestial bodies. However, trying with powerful telescopes and other astronomical equipment alien mind, scientists from the SETI program call on earthlings be active in yourself. As part of the METI project (communications extraterrestrial intelligence) activists have already transferred to various corners Universe 19 radio messages containing various information about Earth, its population, animals and other information. “Message Arecibo “sent by mankind into space in November 1974 A photo from open sources Most of these signals were sent from the observatory of the National Management Center and tests of space vehicles in the Crimean Evpatoria, and more precisely – researcher at the V.A. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Kotelnikov by Alexander Zaitsev. Only one show took place 16 November 1974 from the Arecibo Astronomical Observatory, located in Puerto Rico. It contained the following information: numbers from one to ten in the binary system, atomic numbers (number protons in the nucleus of an atom) elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, sucrose formulas and nucleotide bases in deoxyribonucleic acid, the number of DNA nucleotides and others DNA data, human figure image, solar information system, information about the Arecibo radio telescope and transmitting dimensions antennas. Two more messages were made from complexes of distant space communications in Madrid and Canberra. Last signal for today left July 10, 2013 on a system very similar to our planet Gliese 526 stars. Sit quietly As activists hope, in one a wonderful moment the aliens will be able to receive this signal, read and find out, for example, that at a distance of 20-30 light years from them there is an inhabited planet. And there comes time for visits courtesy and good neighborly relations, exchange technology and knowledge. But this will only happen if if they are the same darlings and just like us, they want to communicate nicely. But what if they turn out to be aggressors? Just this question asks METI activists American futurist and writer David Brin, The main critic of the program. As he told The Summary, he participated in a rather heated debate with Seth Shostak and Alexander Zaitsev. At the same time, the futurologist asked him to understand that he does not call for abandoning the SETI program. “Listen and watching space is a great idea, you must invest effort and money, “says Brin, but notes with this, that “shouting to the whole cosmos about yourself is stupid.” Your point the scientist explains as follows: “We are still quite young from a technological position, civilization and we are trying with might and main to declare yourself at a time when everyone else is very quiet. “” Maybe maybe they know something we don’t know about? “- asks question futurologist, specifying that he “does not argue about dangers of the galaxy, but offers just in case better prepare for a likely encounter with the aggressive inhabitants of others planets. As David Brin tells his opponents, “15 years ago we didn’t know a single planet outside the solar system, and now already know more than a thousand. We learn fast and let us continue this training. Don’t just scream about yourself! ”
A photo from open sources The main claim of David Brin to the participants METI is that “people like Seth Shostak and Alexander Zaitsev, who sent most of the messages did not even consult with other scientists and did not know their opinions about the safety of such action. They did not ask ordinary inhabitants of the planet whether they were ready they’re meeting aliens, “says the scientist. In addition, he accuses Shostak and Zaitsev of resisting in every way convening international METI discussion conferences. “The only thing their excuse is that sending signals cannot damage earthlings, because the planet is already too “noisy”, – continues the futurologist. However, Alexander Zaitsev has an answer Brinu. “Analysis of all celestial body radar sessions performed in our country and in the USA since the early 60s of the last century present, and their comparison with all transmitted interstellar radio messages show that in the first case the probability of detecting terrestrial radio signals is in a million times higher than in the second, “the scientist told us. Therefore, prohibit as David Brin suggests, the radar of celestial bodies follows. “But in in case of such a ban, our civilization will no longer face mythical alien, and with a very real asteroid-comet a threat, since it is radar that is important and an integral component of anti-asteroid defense systems “, – explained Zaitsev. According to his calculations, as a result of radar in the sky area lit up 2000 times more than during the transmission of all METI signals, and the total radiation time in either case different about 500 times. “Given that probability detection is proportional to both the irradiated area and duration of radiation, it turns out that this probability is approximately 106 times more for the location, “continues the astrophysicist. Brin notes that radar signals from both scientists and the military are addressless and, most importantly, do not carry absolutely no information. METI participants sent to space so much information that a potential alien aggressor, catching these signals, can competently prepare an attack for destruction, colonization or just invasion and use of people in their purposes. For example, for experiments. “I made about 100 options contact with an alien mind, and only a few of them carry potential harm, however, we must be careful, “- warns the futurologist. Today it’s completely unknown, I caught whether anyone is our signal or not. Maybe some kind of civilization already received but cannot answer it due to insufficient technical development. Or maybe they received, decrypted and discovered us, and now they are watching. But it is also possible that more developed civilizations received a signal from Earth, but are in no hurry to respond, because they themselves are afraid of aggression. The only thing that is a fait accompli is that the deed is done. Already no means you can’t catch and return our signals. True how sober-minded people, including David Brin himself, scientists voiced close dates of contact with aliens and 40-50 years ago. However, perhaps the contact is already established, we just we don’t notice it ourselves. So to speak, have not grown … Vladimir Kryuchkov Opinions Vladimir Surdin, candidate Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher State Astronomical Institute named after P.K.Sternberg MSU: – We still will not succeed in hiding, because the most powerful signals emanating from the earth are emitted by military radars, which control the near-Earth space as well missile defense. They constantly give powerful impulses to everything side. Radar signals reached about a thousand nearby stars. So there is no need to worry much about the messages. The military and so give to know that there is a civilization divided into groups hostile to each other.
Photo from open sources By these signals, of course, you can track Earth location. These are narrowband, very powerful signals, completely clearly unnatural in origin. You can recognize them and the distance to the Earth, as we calculate the range of radio pulsars – neutron stars. Such signals can be heard very far – all depends on the receiving equipment. The closest stars in general can be ours watch television, but what was pulled in 1974 went to globular star cluster, to which about 30 thousand light years. This is a very powerful signal. METI signals add a little how much the military is splashing out into space: information in within one typewritten page. But that it will turn out read from another civilization – one hundred percent probability. The message is so primitively encrypted that any mathematician, even with tentacles, even with wings, he will immediately see its structure. Alexey Turchin, futurologist, author of the book “Futurology. XXI Century: immortality or global catastrophe “: – Although we do not have reason to consider possible aliens hostile, principle precaution makes this happen. Worst expression hostility would be the desire of such aliens to sterilize the surrounding space, so that, for example, in the future do not have competitors. There is speculation that such a hostile civilization might scatter some observation stations throughout the galaxy, called in one science fiction novel “berserkers,” which in in case of detection of radio signals from intelligent life are sent to her and attack her. This assumption is extremely unlikely, as if we are talking about a truly advanced civilization, then it could scatter such stations near each sun-like stars and we would have long been subjected to her attack. But you can’t be here exclude the effects of observational selection effect, due to which we could live to the 21st century only with that star, next to which no monitoring station, no matter how small probability.
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