Dishes smashed – happiness or trouble?

People say – 'broken dishes – fortunately'. But few people know that the well-being of this sign depends on what kind of dishes broke.

Broken dishes

Why are the dishes in the house beating

The interpretation of omens, when dishes are broken, most often means that this is a bad sign. If there are a lot of broken dishes in the house, this means that a lot of negativity has accumulated there. Quarrels, scandals, theft, betrayal and treason – the appearance of negative emotions affects the surrounding things that beat or break for no reason.

Often breaking glassware portends illness of a relative, parting with a loved one or the loss of a large amount of money.

Why do dishes break at work

Breaking dishes at work is a clear sign of work failure. If the kitchen utensils in the office break frequently, pay attention to which items are broken. For example, if a cup breaks – you have envious people, if a plate – the bosses are dissatisfied with you.

Cracks and chips that appear on the dishes portend gossip from ill-wishers. Pay attention to your unfinished business, perhaps someone wants to take advantage of your oversight to take a job.

Why do dishes break at work


The correct interpretation of the signs depends on which piece of kitchen utensils is beating.


  • Crashed on the floor is a nice sign. The arrival of unexpected guests and a fun feast awaits you.
  • Beaten on a table or other furniture – be economical and reasonable, in the near future there is a possibility of rash financial investments.
  • A plate under the table is broken – soon you will have to lend money to a relative or close friend.
  • A plate accidentally crashed – a harbinger of good luck in business.
  • Broke a plate during a scandal – insults will remain unspoken.
  • To specially break this piece of dishes at a wedding – fortunately and harmony in a young family.
  • The bride accidentally broke the plate – a new marriage will crack in the near future.
  • To beat a plate on New Year's holidays or for a birthday – the year will be successful and happy.
  • The saucer is beaten – a sign foreshadows the visit of an old friend.



  • Crashed on the floor – unexpected and successful events will happen soon.
  • Beaten on a table or other furniture – beware of ill-wishers and false gossip.
  • A broken cup under the table is a harbinger of a possible theft, be careful with money.
  • Accidentally breaking a cup – to a secret admirer who thinks of you.
  • The baby's cup was broken – the evil eye was on the child or someone wished the baby bad things.


It is believed that a vase broken by accident in the house is fortunately. If it is made of expensive material, the sign is interpreted as an expectation of financial success, if the vase is simple, expect changes in your personal life.

If a vase of flowers fell – this is luck, and if it cracked or cracked from time to time – expect a family scandal. A sign, if a vase beats because of a cat, means the appearance of a love affair on the side. If the crystal breaks, expect soon news, someone will deliberately lie to you for their own benefit.

Vase omens

Glass or glass

The ceremony of whipping glass glasses by the newlyweds, according to the old belief, has negative symbolism – the transparency of the material symbolizes purity and chastity, and broken glass foreshadows the imminent separation of the couple. Another sign interprets the sacred wedding ritual as follows – if glasses full of champagne are intentionally broken, then the marriage will be happy.

By chance, a glass broken by accident brings good luck to its owner. For example, if a businessman accidentally drops a glass full of water, he will be lucky in real estate matters. But if the same glass breaks, falling from the hands of a successful woman, she needs to be attentive to her husband, otherwise a rival will appear.

An important role is played by the place where objects fight. For example, if the dishes are broken in the kitchen, this portends a 'well-fed' house and good changes in the family. And if the dishes in the bedroom are broken, this is a bad sign, which means health problems of one of the family members. If a kitchen object beats at the door of the house, it is urgently necessary to light a candle in the church, someone speaks badly about the whole family and wishes the household members harm.

It is impossible to deliberately beat the kitchen items – this is a bad omen, which promises the culprit financial instability and waste.

Why you can't store broken dishes

It is impossible to keep broken dishes in the house – it is believed that damaged kitchen utensils attract negativity. Also, you cannot use chopped kitchen utensils and eat with broken dishes – using them for their intended purpose, you bring poverty and misunderstanding between family members into the house.

Why you can't store broken dishes

What to do with the shards

Regardless of whether the kitchen utensils are broken, fortunately or in trouble, the fragments must be immediately collected in an unnecessary rag and thrown out with it. It is believed that if the collected fragments are thrown in a rag, negativity and unhappiness leave the house with them.

Why do broken dishes dream

The interpretation of dreams with battered kitchen utensils is associated with a family hearth and the relationship of loved ones in the same house. Dreams about broken dishes are interpreted by dream books as harbingers of relationship problems.

  1. Seeing old kitchen items with chippings and cracks is a sign of poverty.
  2. To break a glass in a dream is a disagreement with a loved one.
  3. Seeing broken porcelain dishes in a dream – do not offend old friends.
  4. Breaking clean dishes – to the unintentional offense of the sleeper.
  5. Seeing broken glass or crystal utensils in a dream is a sign of trouble and serious conflict in the family.

For a sick sleeping person, to see broken kitchen utensils in a dream – to a speedy recovery, to see cracked – to a worsening of the condition. If a woman in a dream sees small fragments of broken utensils, to disappointment, the same dream promises a man problems at work.

Why do broken dishes dream

For a married girl, chipped objects let her know that she will have to wait with pregnancy, and a dream with broken dishes portends a difficult birth.

According to Miller's dream book, picking up a broken plate means grabbing good luck. Falling and hitting a cymbal in a dream portends a brief success. Dirty cutlery speaks of a dysfunctional future, and clean cutlery indicates a favorable period.

Freud's dream book is less supportive of dreams of broken kitchen items. In it, this sign means problems of a sexual nature in a sleeping person. For example, for women, such a dream promises a disease of the genital area, and gives men a sign to beware of unscrupulous partners. Seeing glass breakable objects in a dream according to the dream book is interpreted as a sign of good sexual health.

Dream Interpretation XXI interprets dreams about broken dishes as a kind and good sign. Especially if you dream of beating empty objects – this is a prediction of imminent financial well-being. A broken service in a dream portends the support of an influential patron.

The fate of a person solely depends on himself, so you should not be too afraid to accept about broken dishes. Look at this in a more practical way – chipped dishes will still break, because there is already a crack. And fragments from completely broken dishes are useless trash in the house, which should be thrown away.

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