Photos from open sources The Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso on the occasion of his Eighties gave an interview to Time magazine. In it he touched a few questions regarding faith, for example, settled on his relationship with the Pope (“I just admire him”), however the theme of old age became a red line of this speech, since journalist Elizabeth Diaz for some reason drew attention to the spiritual The leader of the Tibetan monks is precisely on this.
Agreeing with the statement that in a modern civilized youth is too much valued in society, the Dalai Lama emphasized that in old age has its own amazing beauty. Firstly she allows a person to do what the young simply cannot do, but secondly, old age is a freedom of spirit. Man is no longer afraid let’s say not to look like that, not to say wrong to do wrong finally not afraid to die.
And in conclusion of his interview, the Dalai Lama spoke about the practice celibacy, which allows you to heal the broken hearts of people. IN the basis of too much attachment of a person in another person, the spiritual leader noted, selfishness lies, the desire is fully subjugate the free soul of man. And this is simply impossible hence all the tragedies and the feelings associated with them, such as jealousy, hatred, anger, rage …
If a person begins to practice a conscious perception of the world, in of which all people are free personalities, then no broken hearts will become. For example, the Dalai Lama told me with a smile, if I dream beautiful woman and everything connected with this, I just remember: I – monk. This is the conscious perception of the world, which helps man to live in perfect harmony with his surroundings.