During the landing of the Americans on the moon from celestial body fell off a piece?

During the landing of the Americans on the moon, a piece fell off the celestial body?A photo from open sources space exploration failed to answer why in one of NASA’s archival photographs of the moon in 1969, a whole piece fell off the natural satellite of our planet.

This is a picture taken during the legendary landing The moon of the manned spacecraft Apollo 11. This an anomaly was discovered by a ufologist under the street pseudonym Streetcap 1. His immediately supported by colleague Scott Woring. According to the latter, the photograph of the moon is of high quality, and because of this it is not clear how a piece fell off can be perfectly seen.

A photo from open sources

The ufologists who studied the photograph turned to NASA employee Dwayne Brown via email. The answer, unfortunately, did not follow, which was considered the result employment of a specialist, and not his unwillingness to communicate on such Topics. Then the investigation involved journalists who contacted Brown’s spokesperson. The secretary unexpectedly reported that the scientist received and read a letter asking ufologists, and he the fact that he did not respond to the message somewhat surprises her.

Various conspiracy theorists immediately felt that the American the space agency is hiding something. There was a version that a fallen piece of a celestial body is the result low-quality retouching of the image, which gave a new reason for Reflections for the Lunar Conspiracy Theory Americans did not fly to the moon and forged all the materials, supposedly received during this journey.

A photo from open sources

Some Internet users found that in the photo captured an alien ship, expertly disguised as environment and watching astronauts. Also appeared version that it is a large asteroid that flew by and hit the frame is completely random. In any case, to say for sure impossible, however, the fact that today Americans are in every possible way avoiding talk of landing on the moon in 1969, leads to certain suspicions …

NASA Moon Time

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