Photo from open sources
It is sad, but so ancient and revered in Russia the profession, like a bell ringer, has become a thing of the past. No bells with churches do not disappear, but technological progress is already allows you to automate the bell ringing process. More Russian Christian buildings acquire the so-called electronic ringers. These automatic systems are expertly imitate the work of man, and the flock does not hear any difference.
Electronic ringers have already appeared in Moscow, Tyumen, Leningrad, Tver, Orenburg, Smolensk, Bryansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and other Russian areas. So far, only large companies can afford such an innovation. facilities, since the cost of the system is not the smallest – from two hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand rubles. In small churches while in the old fashioned way they rise to the bell tower and convene parishioners manually.
What can a masterly electronic bell ringer
The automatic system is capable of ringing bells weighing from four kilograms to thirty-two tons. She represents the computer to which the coils with ropes are connected. Every jerk rope leads to a bell. In computer memory, you can download countless tunes, including, of course, the most popular: optinsky ringing, sanctuary, everyday, festive, oncoming, easter, busting, evangelism and so on. An electronic ringer will perform any, even the most complex, musical drawing with maximum accuracy as real virtuoso.
A photo from open sources
On frosty days, the work of the electronic belfry is recommended put into gentle mode so as not to harm the bells. To the computer is working, just click one button. Such the duty, in principle, is easy to entrust to any ward grandmother. In addition, the automatic ringer is activated via a smartphone – even while away from the church, the clergyman can choose necessary melody and make the bells ring, and after some time just turn them off the same way.
… I wonder how one of the most outstanding bell-ringer of all times and peoples Konstantin Sarajev, who believed that there was no better musical instrument than a bell, and which could on church belfries do real miracles? Sorry at that time (first half last century) there were not only computers, but even tape recorders, to record the “bell music” of this ingenious ringer and a musician who could hear 243 sounds in every note.