Epiphany is approaching

The Epiphany Night Is ComingPhotos from open sources of

On the night of Epiphany in Russia, it has long been customary to bathe in ice water – in the hole. Those who wish to join this ancient traditions, we offer a number of simple safety rules, following which will help maintain health.

Firstly, swimming in the hole is not recommended for those who do not have everything ok with the cardiovascular system (e.g. hypertension, arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease), suffers from epilepsy, bronchial asthma. People with chronic kidney disease should also refrain from Epiphany bathing. In general, a doctor’s consultation on this issue It does not hurt, as I think, anyone.

Of course, Epiphany bathing is contraindicated to those who a cold, recently recovered.

How to make an ice baptismal font

First of all, you need to warm up, for which you should do a run or a little workout. However, remember that immersing yourself in ice water sweating is also impossible.

Do not dive into the icy water with your head: it is fraught with a stroke.

Do not stay in the ice font for more than one minute. Limit your stay in the font to seconds, in which case you will not threatens hypothermia.

Coming out of the water, be sure to dress in a warm, certainly dry clothes, and also drink hot tea, stored in advance.

Drinking alcohol during this time is unacceptable!

A photo from open sources

If you want to join in this extreme ritual of your child, you need to know the following. Bathing should take place under indispensable adult control in specially equipped for this targets the ambulance and rescue staff. The thing is, that in children, rapid cooling can cause acute adrenal insufficiency, shock and circulatory arrest.

It should be remembered that preparing for such events is better in advance. Regularly harden the body – and then baptismal bathing will not become a great stress for him.

And one more thing: you can swim in the ice hole only in those places that specially equipped for this!

A photo from open sources

At Epiphany bathe January 18 or 19?

This question is often asked before Epiphany and Baptism. To the Lord. However, as church officials say, the most important thing is not what time to swim in the hole (you may not have to do), but the fact that Jesus was baptized on this bright day Of Christ. Therefore, in the evening of January 18, as in the morning of the 19th, go to church service, confess and partake, stock up holy water.

If we talk about swimming, then, according to tradition, they do it on the evening of January 18 (after serving in the temple) and the following night, although fonts are usually available throughout January 19th.

A photo from open sources

It should be noted that the meaning of any church holiday should be distinguish from the traditions around him. Therefore the procedure swimming in the ice holes does not have a direct relationship to the Epiphany, not binding and does not cleanse us from sins. And if you If you want to wash yourself with clean baptismal water, then this can be done in Epiphany night, even in the shower or bath, in your own bathhouse, finally. Orthodox Christians celebrate this bright holiday in warm Africa, where you can hardly find an ice hole with ice water.

Water Time Russia

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