Even our distant ancestors knew: the moon inhabited

Even our distant ancestors knew: the moon is inhabited.A photo from open sources

In the entire history of the study of the moon, dozens were found on it, if not hundreds of artifacts that explain the natural origin cannot even scientists who are very skeptical against UFOs and other “inventions of the human mind.”

Back in 1996, the US National Press Club made a statement that in America and in the former USSR a lot has been accumulated materials confirming traces of intelligent life on Earth’s satellite. All these facts were collected by the Apollo, Clementine station, and so on. further, but not disclosed for various reasons, say, even because that someone thought “at the top” thought: people are not yet ready to accept this the truth.

Today it’s no secret that the moon is used by aliens as transshipment base or as a platform for studying the Earth. For a UFO, after all this is the distance from our home to work. No coincidence on the surface of the moon discovered buildings and objects – clearly man-made. And there are a lot of them. For example, in the area of ​​the famous Tycho Crater there are very mysterious terraced excavations, hexagonal and tunnel entrance, which is simply impossible to explain by some natural processes. It sounds more like a familiar thing to us. open cast mining.

Some scientists make a fantastic assumption, that the moon is generally created by artificially alien civilizations, and this was done a very long time ago. It is for this reason that in mythology of many peoples, the satellite of the Earth is considered as a kind of abode of the gods, that is, superintelligent creatures. Turns out that ancient people knew about the presence of intelligent life on the moon, even explained this somewhat naively.

On the video – the materials of one astronomer who found on the moon clearly man-made towers standing on the edge of the crater.

Life moon

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