Extraterrestrial satellite “Black Knight” spotted over Florida

Extraterrestrial satelliteA photo Open Source Jacksonville Florida Resident the other day I shot in the sky a mysterious black object, which she took for a strange-shaped kite. But when they began to fly away from him aside other objects of a smaller size, the American realized that she was able to shoot a UFO, and it’s very interesting both in form and in content.

UFO Identification

And so it turned out, since Internet ufologists have no difficulty determined that the captured UFO as two drops of water is similar to extraterrestrial Black Knight satellite, fixed more than half a century ago on orbit the earth. That day, many Americans saw him over Florida, they all claim that as soon as other small ones are separated from the UFO objects, he soon simply disappeared, and did not fly away, namely instantly disappeared from sight.

As ufologist Tyler Glockner noted, a Florida UFO looks like “Black Knight” in the photographs of 1998, it’s just not clear why he approached the earth, and what kind of landing was sent to them on our planet?

A photo from open sources

Mysterious satellite

An unknown object, which will later be called the “Black Prince”, first recorded in 1958 by an Arizona amateur astronomer Steve Slayton, however for a long time the extraterrestrial satellite was not fixed on official radars. As later determined by a US military specialist Tom Erickson, this was because the surface of the UFO is covered graphite, completely absorbing radio waves. For this reason Soviet and American radar stations and nothing discovered. But it was recorded in the late seventies radiophysicists of the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), which tested the latest hypersensitive equipment. Scientists even prepared a message on this occasion for the Tallinn Symposium on extraterrestrial civilizations, held in 1981, but on certain considerations of the Soviet era, no one to do it Not allowed.

And only ten years later, that is, in 1998, the space shuttle Endeavor took photos of the Black Knight, and these photos before are still considered the only convincing evidence that an extraterrestrial satellite exists in the orbit of the Earth. By the way he periodically sends radio signals that scientists cannot decrypt so far.

Was the landing dropped?

Today it has already been determined that the Black Knight is spinning in orbit of our planet for about thirteen millennia, maybe it’s even an earth satellite just launched into orbit by representatives civilization preceding humanity. There is such a version – this fragment of a spaceship of unknown origin. By the way, in in the late eighties, americans launched a communications satellite on an orbit very close to the orbit of the “Black Knight”, but “American” soon disappeared from the radar, either encountering a mysterious UFO, then whether disappeared for some other reason.

In general, much in this matter is still a mystery, as well as Black Knight itself, the name of which was invented by Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev. However, assuming that an extraterrestrial satellite descended from orbit to drop troops on Earth (see video, very similar to this), then immediately the version about the fragment disappears, and version that this prehistoric spacecraft doesn’t stand no criticism. It turns out that the “Black Knight” is still extraterrestrial artificial satellite, and, most likely, permanent observer of our civilization.


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