Famous ufologist: religions appeared after how humanity was faced with aliens

Famous ufologist: religions appeared after humanity was faced with aliensA photo from open sources

Famous Greek-Swiss ufologist, historian and journalist Giorgio Tsukalos made a loud statement regarding world religions and reasons for their occurrence.

Speaking at an international conference on UFOs and to extraterrestrial civilizations, a 40-year-old researcher reported that in aliens were visited by aliens whom our ancestors accepted for higher divine beings. No wonder many icons and religious frescoes depict mysterious objects resembling “flying saucers” and humanoids in spacesuits. Yes, and the halos themselves over the heads of the celestials are very reminiscent of the helmets of astronauts, maybe only more perfect.

Giorgio cannot explain why the aliens flew to our planet, however, the ufologist is convinced that soon they all at once left Earth. It was then on our “blue ball” and arose cults that over time have become popular religions and become the basis for human understanding of God. High tech guests from another world were perceived by people as a demonstration magical abilities. According to the expert, if “green little men “did not visit the Earth in antiquity, we would probably today lived in an atheistic society. Or if we weren’t at all …

Tsukalos also claims that modern scientists deliberately ignore a lot of evidence of interference extraterrestrial civilizations in the course of human history. Orthodox from sciences ignore and reject various ancient artifacts that could not be created dozens or even hundreds of millennia ago by man. Various majestic architectural structures like Egyptian pyramids (not to mention the lesser known, but more the ancient pyramids of Bosnia), according to the ufologist, were also erected by more perfect creatures than us, and scientists are beautifully they realize this, but refuse to admit this fact in hearing

Aliens explained to our distant ancestors that the Earth has round shape, and someday humanity will definitely leave home planet, rushing to the stars. This is stated in many ancient books and treatises. Antique bas-reliefs show creatures suspiciously similar to astronauts in a special equipment. Tsukalos is trying to convey all these theories to the world public on the historical television channel “History Channel”. Ufologist’s programs have gained immense popularity among seekers the truth about the origin of mankind and its real (and not fictitious for the sake of the powers that be) of history, and also among those who are not indifferent to similar topics to the audience, of which, as it turned out, there are more and more and more. Really, our society, in the end, awakens? ..

Ancient artifacts

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