Fedotov day – signs for November 20

The long-awaited holiday 'Fedot-freeze-up' or 'Kingfisher' is celebrated by people on November 20 (according to the old style on November 7). Ice hardens on Fedot, which means you can move on it. Popular signs for November 20 are associated with observing the state of ice and snow, conclusions about the upcoming yield of grain crops. And this day is also intended for prayer for the desired child in front of the icon of the Mother of God with the playing baby 'Leaping'.

signs on November 11

Weather predictions and advice for pregnant women

Folk omens for November 20 allow us to judge the weather in the near future and the expected harvest:

  • The long incessant cry of jackdaws or crows predicts snowfall for the next day;
  • If there is ice on the roads on this day, it will be delayed for several days;
  • Snow fell on damp ground (first snow fell) – a rich harvest of rye is expected;
  • Heavy snowfall on this day – predicts spring floods;
  • Streams and rivers are covered with ice – a fierce winter is approaching;
  • Chickens roost early – frost is approaching, the higher the birds climbed, the harder the frost;
  • To find in the nests of wintering birds an abundance of down, straw, dry grass – an omen of a cold winter;
  • The ice on the rivers is uneven, bumpy, and there are snow bumps on the roads – next year will be a grain one;
  • On Fedot, they fed birds (tits, goldfinches) to make it easier to survive the winter and attract happiness.

Sign by date of birth: those who happened to be born on November 20 are distinguished by their hard work. The topaz ornamental stone brings good luck to these people.

The twentieth day of November is rich in signs concerning pregnant women:

  1. If the expectant mother on November 20 thinks only of good things, then the child will be born happy, because on this day the mother's thoughts are directly reflected on the fetus;
  2. Pregnant women should be courteous and affectionate with others, spend the whole day in prayer, then childbirth will be easy;
  3. The expectant mother should get up early on November 20 and work hard during the day, then the child who will be born later will not be lazy;
  4. If on this day a woman carrying a baby eats some hastily dry food, then a whiny baby will be born.

Sign of the day: November 20, after praying, it is allowed to spin and weave, but not to knit. If on this day it was possible to produce a lot of linen or yarn, the whole next year promised to be productive.

folk signs on November 11

Customs, traditions, what is customary to do on Fedotov day

On this day, the fishermen went on their first winter fishing, ice fishing gear was prepared in advance. According to the sign on November 20, Believers lit candles in the church to the Great Martyr Fedot, he was one of thirty preachers of Christianity who accepted death, refusing to renounce Orthodoxy, they were executed by pagans.

In ancient times, people believed in the supernatural power of ice. They thought that the ice crust “closes” the water, mermaids and other “evil spirits” for the winter. So they asked the holy martyr Fedot that the ice would be strong, not slippery and that evil spirits would not break through it, not drag away a fisherman or another person walking across the river.

On November 20, children were not allowed to the river, because the ice was still unreliable. To keep the fidgets at home, they were told riddles about the ice, taught to be careful. According to popular belief: the mother will reproach herself for the child's carelessness all her life. Experienced adult men went to the river, studied the situation. It has been observed that transparent ice is the thickest and most durable, the ice crust over a fast stream is unreliable.

On this day, or rather night, it was customary to guess at the hole where they took water. A circle was drawn on the ice with a candle stub. Inside the circle, they laid a horse hide, sat on it and looked into the ice-hole. It remained to wait for the appearance of water spirits. According to the omen: spirits that appear after midnight could tell a person about the future, give an answer to an important question, or move to distant lands. Having received the necessary information, they quickly said: 'Chur, this place', so that the spirits do not drag the fortuneteller into the water.

Saint Fyodor is considered the patron saint of women's handicrafts. It is to him that it is customary to pray on November 20 before spinning or starting weaving. According to the sign, prayer to Saint Fedor helps needlewomen to avoid mistakes in work, to improve their skills. The best craftswomen on this day were given orders to weave linen for a good fee.

Fedot day

Who should pray in front of the Leaping Icon on November 20?

'Leaping' differs from other icons of the Mother of God with the baby in that the baby is depicted on it in dynamics, he is mobile. According to the sign, this icon has miraculous power. The holy face is responsible for the fullness of motherhood.

If you pray on November 20 before 'Leaping', you can get rid of infertility. Candles in front of the icon on this day are put by young women and married couples who dream of a child.

The miraculous icon also helps women 'in the demolition'. If on November 20 a pregnant woman orders a prayer service before 'Vygraniy', then it will be easier for her to bear the baby, she will receive relief in childbirth, and the baby will be born strong and grow up healthy.

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