Signs, customs and conspiracies for November 18 – the day of Galaktion, Epistimia and Jonah

Signs, customs and conspiracies for November 18 - the day of Galaktion, Epistimia and Jonah

Christians have honored the memory of the Martyrs Galaktion, Epistimia and Saint Jonah for many years. The conspiracies pronounced on November 18 helped the girls find their betrothed and take the thieves away from the house, and the omens told the peasants what to look out for.


Traditionally, on November 18, the girls prayed to Saint Jonah to send good husbands to their homes. To do this, in the daytime they threw coins in the courtyard, and in the evening they sat by the window and quietly uttered: 'The betrothed-mummer, drive past the window'. And if after a while a carriage or a company passed near the yard, then the groom will be wealthy. If, after the words said, no one appeared, then you should not wait for a rich man.

Another method is known: in order to attract the groom, girls went out into the courtyard early in the morning and laid out items used for needlework around the house.

On the same day, the guys were active. They organized parties, to which they invited girls dear to their hearts. Often such parties would drag on until the morning.

On November 18, you cannot make responsible decisions and sign important documents. There is a belief that evil spirits will steal the signature. It is not recommended to make large purchases on this day, as the purchased items will not last long.

Signs, customs and conspiracies for November 18 - the day of Galaktion, Epistimia and Jonah

On the day of Saint Galaktion, it is customary to finish collecting radish. On November 18, black varieties are harvested for the winter – this medicine has healing power and helps with colds.

On this day, it is customary to clean the house. It was believed that on November 18, people cleansed the house of the accumulated negativity. According to legends, upon completion of cleaning, the corners in each room must be crossed and, while reading 'Our Father', sprinkled with holy water.

On November 18, according to legends, the first sled route fell. The snow fell thickly, densely and allowed sledding. People say that now hares are changing a gray coat to a white one. This allows them to safely hide in the snowdrifts from predatory animals and hunters.

According to custom, if on November 18 a mother puts a clean broom in the baby's bed and takes one for herself, then throughout the year they will be happy and gain good health.

Signs, customs and conspiracies for November 18 - the day of Galaktion, Epistimia and Jonah


  1. If on the night of November 18 the moon is in a haze, then signs in this case promise a long bad weather.
  2. According to folklore, if a lot of snow fell on that day, it will also be a lot during the winter.
  3. If the snow covers the ground unevenly, the signs promise an excellent harvest of rye.
  4. The willow branches were covered with frost on November 18 – folk signs promise that the winter will be cold and will linger for a long time.
  5. According to the signs, if there is a lot of frost, expect a thaw soon.
    A gusty cold wind with a clear sky, according to signs, promises a quick cooling.
  6. They found someone else's broom in the courtyard on November 18 – signs and superstitions say that damage has been put on you.

Interpretation of dreams on November 18

Dreams on the night of November 18 indicate that you have a wrong idea about the events that happen in life. At this moment, the subconscious is able to organize thoughts and help see things as they really are. All that is necessary is to correctly interpret the images that appeared in the dream.

  1. If you saw yourself in captivity of vanity, pride, or seemed powerful and omnipotent, then such a dream advises you to reconsider your own actions. Perhaps you followed the lead of selfishness and are unable to soberly assess your own actions.
  2. If in a dream you are depressed, humiliated and had low self-esteem, then in life, you underestimate yourself. Understand yourself, your achievements and appreciate everything that has life.
  3. Dreams about the past indicate that it is time to get rid of the burden of the past and it is easy to look into the future. Dreams on the night of November 18 are considered cleansing, as they show what you need to part with.

Waking up in the morning and remembering in detail what happened in your dream, you can analyze your actions. On this night, the subconscious screams about where and in what mistakes are made.
The dream that he sees suggests whether there is harmony, balance and lightness in life. And this applies to various areas: personal relationships, communication with other people and relatives. Perhaps you will receive a hint that will help you to correctly resolve a legal issue, litigation or dispute.

Signs, customs and conspiracies for November 18 - the day of Galaktion, Epistimia and Jonah


For people born on the day of Saint Galaktion, talismans are:

  • Hematite (bloodstone) is a stone that brings good luck, fills life with tranquility, peace and good luck.
  • Opal is a symbol of a changeable fate. When wearing such a stone, intuition sharpens and inspiration appears.


On November 18, the girl could 'stick' a young man whom she really liked. To do this, several rods are taken and tied into a bundle. Then one rod is pulled out and lies on the threshold of his house. After the desired man, entering the room, stepped over it, the twig was hidden, and on the bath day they put it in a dry warm place and said:

'As this rod dries, so let the servant of God (the name of the young man) dry for me.'

There are also known conspiracies that helped the guy to bewitch the girl. They were made in windy weather. Moreover, it was believed that the stronger the wind, the greater the likelihood of a positive result. The guy should stand with his back to the wind and say the following words:

'Three brothers live on the sea, on the Ocean, on Buyan Island,
three winds, one north, another east, the third west.
Wind you, apply you, winds, sorrow, dryness to the servant of God (name of the girl),
so that she does not spend a day without a servant of God (her name), an hour.
My word is strong. '

On November 18, the owner / mistress of the house can speak to his house from thieves. To do this, they go out into the courtyard before dawn and, sweeping the snow from the street onto the threshold, pronounce the words:

'Snow from other people's yards, Save my hut from thieves.
How do you melt in the spring, snow,
So that thoughts are in the thief
About my yard melted away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

There is another conspiracy from thieves, which is pronounced by the eldest woman in the family. She stands on the bare floor and, spinning on her heels, says:

'I circle you, thief, around my house, a stone fence.
What kind of thief will approach him
The one from my strong word
He will frighten himself.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen'.

In order for dashing people and evil spirits to go around the house, in addition to conspiracies, people used ordinary prayer. On November 18 they go to church, visit churches and help the disadvantaged.

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