November 29 in the Orthodox Church is the day of remembrance of the Apostle Matthew Levi (one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ). According to signs on November 29, people say 'it sweats on windy weather' – the weather on this day is often warm, with strong and gusty winds. People say the warmer on November 29, the colder the winter will be.
Matveyev's day cannot be hard. On November 29, therefore, it is customary to visit and gather in the evening with the family at gatherings. On this day, women are engaged in weaving, spinning, singing folk songs and telling stories.
On this day, they try not to use bad language or swear. People believe that with the onset of cold weather, evil spirits walk around the yards and look out the windows. Whoever of the owners swears, the evil spirits bring trouble into the house.
On November 29, young people ask old-timers for advice about their future life. Intuition on this day sharpens several times. Therefore, the recommendations given on this day are correct.
Usually strong winds blow on this day. To prevent the wind from bringing a blizzard, a handful of cereals are thrown in its direction. According to signs, after this ceremony, the weather will return to normal.
Folk omens for November 29 determine the weather for the winter and the general well-being of the owners of the house.
- snow on Matvey predicts a strong blizzard;
- windy weather means the approach of a blizzard and cold;
- according to signs, if frost painted the glass – to the harsh cold weather;
- Matvey brought rain – there will be a warm and damp winter;
- low clouds, according to folk signs, mean that the cold will soon come;
- a pale moon is visible at night – to deterioration of weather conditions;
- a domestic cat curled up into a ball and hid its face – towards the daytime sun (learn how cats predict the weather in this article);
- there are no clouds in the sky – signs promise a cold snap;
- the warmer Matvey, the colder the coming winter;
- if the snow fell on November 29, it is assumed that it will lie until spring.
The signs of the master's well-being on November 29 include the folk beliefs of the ancient Russian peasants.
- if you put a thing inside out on Matvey, expect failure;
- according to the signs, you cannot whistle at home on this day – you invite evil spirits;
- you can't sit on the table – you bring trouble;
- in order not to invite death into the house, on November 29 you cannot walk in one sock or slipper;
- advice received on November 29, practical and true;
- according to popular beliefs, if guests come, you cannot talk to them across the threshold – to a quick quarrel.
On November 29, conspiracies are made to get rid of a head disease. To do this, they take a church candle, kneel, and read prayers to get rid of a headache. Onions are used for treatment. And they also try to add it to every dish cooked on Matvey.
And also on November 29, they make a conspiracy from a man's betrayal. To do this, a new lock is placed under the husband's chair and, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, they close it with a key. It is believed that if the castle is closed, then the road for the husband to another woman is also closed.
So that the betrothed is not bewitched by the other, the girl speaks to her beloved for love, wiping him with her shirt. Clothes must sweat before wiping off.
On November 29, they are guessing for the betrothed and for family well-being. An unmarried girl in the evening puts a wooden comb under the pillow and asks her husband to come comb it in a dream.
It is customary to guess at Matvey with the help of a letter. The girl writes a letter to her future husband and puts a print of her lips below. Then he puts the letter together with the mirror under the pillow. Such fortune telling can be done for several days in a row until the betrothed arrives.
It is believed that if a girl sees several men in a dream, then she is destined to be married several times. If in a dream the chosen one did not come, but instead they saw images, they can be interpreted from the dream book. Dreams often talk about what interferes with finding family well-being.
To make everything go smoothly in the family, married girls make a wish before going to bed. In the morning, what they see in a dream is interpreted from a dream book. It is believed that the dream on November 29 is prophetic and will come true in the coming days.
On November 29, name days are celebrated: Vasily, Victor, Dmitry, Ivan, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolai, Semyon, Sergey, Fedor.
According to legend, on the day of Matthew, you cannot wear red clothes. And also you can not often look in the mirror. It has long been believed that a mirror is the road to the other world, and red is the devil's favorite shade. Therefore, on November 29, people try to adhere to and observe traditions and omens so as not to anger the evil spirits.