Fidel Castro also encountered a UFO

Fidel Castro also encountered a UFOPhotos from open sources of

Famous Spanish journalist, reporter and researcher Juan Jose Benitez celebrated his seventieth birthday. The man has been engaged in journalism for fifty years, telling readers about the most interesting inexplicable incidents. In honor of the jubilee of the Spaniard in Mexico published his book “Only for your eyes”, which describes three hundred striking cases of people meeting with unidentified flying objects.

A photo from open sources

One of the incidents described concerns the famous revolutionary and politician Fidel Castro, and earlier this UFO sighting information was not available the general public. Benitez writes that it happened in the mountains Sierra Maestra in southeastern Cuba long before the 1959 revolution of the year. Castro himself spoke about the mysterious incident in an interview. Panamanian journalist Jose Luis Gil. Details of this conversation have been classified for a long time.

The revolutionary told that it was midnight, and he, along with his comrades sat with rifles on his knees. Unexpectedly men noticed an incomprehensible bunch of light that rushed among the stars. IN a certain moment a white luminous ball rushed down and hovered right over a group of commanders. He had a round shape and just colossal sizes. According to Castro, the light emitted by this fantastic the apparatus was so intense that all the surroundings and even mountains became visible as well as in the daytime.

A photo from open sources

Given the high authority of Jose Luis Gil and Juan Jose Benitez, as well as, undoubtedly, Fidel Castro himself, this story instantly riveted the attention of numerous ufologists from all ends of the planet. Researchers of extraterrestrial civilizations have no doubt is that one of the most iconic personalities of the last century really could witness a visit to Earth aliens.

“For your eyes only” is the first part of the planned Benitez trilogy dedicated to unidentified flying objects. The writing of the second book is nearing completion, and the third is still is just a set of drafts. Spaniard intends describe at least a thousand exciting cases, information on the vast majority of whom had never before been anyone published. By the way, almost already bought a copy of the first volume nine million people. The book is extremely interested not not only for ufologists and lovers of the inexplicable, but also for the most ordinary readers because it is written in simple language and tells practically that each person unconsciously seeks know.


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