Five UFOs flashed past the ISS

Five UFOs flashed past the ISSPhotos from open sources of

On Wednesday, February 15, at the famous video hosting “YouTube” an amazing post appeared by the ufological channel “Streetcap1”. On this amazing minute clip you can see the string of five unidentified flying objects flying on significant speed near the International Space Station. UFO were perfectly captured by the webcam mounted on board ISS.

At four PM EST in The Lyndon Johnson Space Center reigned the most calm and familiar working environment. Even when a few spherical “flying saucers” flew past the orbital station, leaving after themselves jet traces, NASA employees did not jump with their places and did not begin to point fingers at the monitors. From here it can be concluded that the American national space the agency is already used to similar incidents, and they are not for its workers are something supernatural. Ordinary labor Weekdays…

First, it flies into the frame in the distance on the right side the alleged UFO scout, then fly much closer to the ISS four similar aircraft. They all move with at the same speed, thereby maintaining a strict the distance. Mysterious objects fly to the left, hide for a while behind the illuminated technical compartment of the station, and then completely leave field of view of the camera lens.

Unfortunately, you and I are unlikely to see such footage on some central television channel. NASA never will reveal to mankind the secret of the relationship in which Americans are with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. That’s why we must themselves by all means dig to the truth. Ufologists believe that you need to do this, and not otherwise. That is why tireless (persistent, as they are also called) researchers “Streetcap1” is posting similar materials to the World Wide Web, sometimes risking his safety …


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