Flying saucer flying over Mexico City

A flying saucer flew over MexicoPhotos from open sources of

On Tuesday, December 8th, on popular video hosting “YouTube” appeared an amazing video on which, perhaps, captured a real flying saucer. By an unusual post became a twenty-nine year old resident of the Mexican capital Juan Maximigliano.

According to him, an unidentified flying object appeared above the city of the second. The astonished eyewitness immediately took out his mobile phone and began to shoot UFOs.

In the video below, lasting a little over a minute, you can see how a dark disc-shaped object slowly flies over a suburb of Mexico City. In the video description, Maximigliano apologizes to viewers for the useless operator from him – the Mexican his hands are shaking, and, besides, he cannot focus for a long time the camera. However, an alleged alien ship can great to consider. At the end of the video, an unidentified flying the subject is particularly clearly visible, and there is no doubt that This is a large flying saucer with a shiny metallic tint.

According to Juan, at some point in the sky appeared passenger airliner, and the UFO suddenly lost ground ship way. Unfortunately, this moment wasn’t recorded, because an eyewitness had to run around the structure, behind which the plate disappeared, and to shoot at that moment was not possible. Maximigliano hopes that on the described day UFOs were also seen by other residents of the capital, and in later on the web will appear new materials depicting the mysterious an object. Although, you yourself understand, this is extremely rare for different reasons, one of which is the reluctance of people to be involved in this “damn it.”

The original video has already been collected on “YouTube” over a hundred thousand views and more than two thousand comments. Almost all The regulars of the resource agreed that the video is not subjected to installation. Nevertheless, what is shown on it, many failed to explain, since other theories besides the appearance of an intergalactic spaceship aliens, not yet.

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