Folk omens about money: how to take and with which hand to return

how to take and which hand to return

Difficulties in the financial field are often attributed by people to ancient beliefs. A number of superstitions consider only an extremely respectful attitude to money permissible, otherwise they will not be found in the wallet. There are many signs that explain which hand is worth giving away money, and which is better to accept it. Let's take a closer look at each of the situations.

Which hand to take money

According to existing signs, money should be taken with a certain hand. The left should be in priority, because it is located closer to the heart. It is generally accepted that such actions are proof of the sincerity and gratitude of the person who accepts the bills. The same beliefs explain the itch of the left palm, calling it money.

Sometimes you have to accept money from a person suffering from various diseases. In order not to take over the deterioration of health, it is necessary to take money only from a wooden surface. That is, the borrower of bills must first put them on any surface (for example, a table, stool or some kind of wooden shelf).

Which hand to take money

The same goes for situations where you need to borrow money from an evil or dishonest person. This order is explained by the ability of wood products to absorb all negative energy. If this opportunity is not immediately presented, you should place money on the required surface as quickly as possible. Let the bills sit on it for a while. It is best to leave them in this position overnight.

What hand to give money

If you believe the signs, there are also certain rules when transferring money. Here are the main ones:

  1. You should use your right hand, which means common sense and logic. That is, giving, a person does not regret and does not go on about thoughts and emotions.
  2. It is believed that you cannot give money directly into the hands of another person. The same applies to situations when someone returns a debt or you have to ask for financial assistance yourself. This sign is explained by the fact that people mix up their financial energies, thereby they can bring on themselves trouble and trouble. In extreme cases, it is worth rolling up the money into a tube or folding it in half to protect yourself and others from possible negativity.
  3. The omen works in the same way when a person gives alms. The prediction says that if you hand it over to the person asking you, you can be in his place yourself. Therefore, it is best to put it in a container or small bag.

What hand to give money

It is most literate to carry out any monetary transactions (debt repayment, loan, etc.) on Wednesday. This categorization is due to the god of trade, Mercury, who controls this day of the week.

When you can't borrow money

Signs say that you should not borrow money from anyone on Monday. This usually portends serious financial losses in the near future.

Giving your debt or borrowing to someone, you should not do it on Friday. Otherwise, unplanned losses cannot be avoided.

To attract the energy of welfare, it is necessary to repay the loan in small denominations.

If you have to ask for a loan, it is better to contact a person in the morning. Afternoon promises discord and conflict that will not benefit the relationship.

When you can't lend money

Lending money to relatives and close friends can lead to conflicts and various quarrels. The result will be not only a loss of money, but also a damaged relationship.

According to the signs, you can lend on certain days of the week. This list does not include days such as:

  • Monday.
  • Tuesday.
  • Sunday.

If the situation is urgent, you can partially sacrifice signs. Namely: how to accidentally drop the bills on the floor. At the same time, they should be picked up by the one who applied for material assistance. Similar actions should be taken if you have to borrow money for a person, for example, on Monday evening.

When you can't lend money

According to popular beliefs, it is not always necessary to provide material support to people. It is worth refusing to borrow funds if a person already has financial difficulties. And it doesn't matter if it's a close relative or a recent acquaintance. It is believed that this will worsen its own situation, since when the funds are returned, the debtor will transfer part of its negative energy.

If you believe the signs, it is better to lend to wealthy, wealthy people. Then, when the money is returned, the energy of financial well-being and security will come.

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