Folk signs about a broken glass

Folk signs about a broken glass

There are many beliefs about accidentally broken dishes, the interpretation of which varies depending on various factors. The following circumstances are taken into account:

  • Times of Day;
  • the novelty of the dish;
  • the personality of the one who broke;
  • the place where the incident occurred, etc.

The sign of an accidentally broken glass can be interpreted both in a positive and negative way. Let's take a closer look.

Why are glasses, glasses and glasses beating

Broken glasses promise the following:

  1. If during the feast a crystal glass on a long leg broke, this portends only positive changes for both the awkward guest and the culprit. They are waiting for joy, improvement in their financial situation, success in any endeavors.
  2. To break a painted glass of the bride or groom at a wedding feast means conflicts that can lead to divorce. If an ordinary glass or wine glass breaks by itself, the newly-made spouses will have mutual understanding and a calm marriage. Previously, the size of the fragments was used to judge the possible offspring: large – to a boy, if smaller – to be a girl. It was also believed that the more fragments, the longer this union would exist.
  3. According to a number of beliefs, crystal is considered a symbol of purity, a guarantee of strong relationships. A broken glass or wine glass made of this material is equated with quarrels, disagreements with the second half. Often this sign promises a lack of trust in a couple, which will lead to a breakup.
  4. A bursting glass brings business problems to a businessman, conflicts with partners. Unscheduled expenses and unreliable subordinates are not excluded.
  5. If glasses are constantly beating in the house, this indicates a large amount of negativity in the family. It is worth building relationships with loved ones. According to some beliefs, broken dishes take trouble and trouble away from the home.

Why are glasses, glasses and glasses beating

Drinking glasses portends the following:

  1. A faceted glass broken by a business man portends him the conclusion of new partnerships. Moreover, if the glass was full, the improvement of the financial situation will not be long in coming.
  2. If a married woman accidentally breaks a glass, she should prepare for the appearance of a rival. It is likely that a stranger will be able to destroy a previously strong marriage.
  3. An accidentally broken glass while washing dishes is a sign of emotional stress. According to the signs, quarrels and conflicts with others cannot be avoided on this day. To somewhat mitigate the situation, you will have to moderate your aggression.
  4. According to legends, if a glass burst in a person who was not in a romantic relationship, this circumstance will soon change.
  5. A broken glass before an imminent wedding portends a tense relationship with relatives or friends of a partner.

Why are glasses beating

If a shot or glass burst:

  1. To a quarrel with the owner of the house, a glass breaks in the hands of the guest. If a glass has burst, a person who has come to the house will certainly envy its inhabitants.
  2. According to some beliefs, if the pile has burst, expect a deterioration in health.
  3. A glass bursting during washing foreshadows a cheerful, noisy feast.
  4. A glass specially broken after uttering a toast promised the fulfillment of all the kind words spoken.
  5. For an unmarried girl, a broken glass portends quarrels and a quarrel with a loved one. If there is no partner, then this sign promises tears and grief.

Please note: if an old, chipped glass burst, this always bodes well for change. The person who broke him will improve the state of current affairs, there will be new things, interesting meetings and trips.

Smashing new, expensive dishes, on the contrary, indicates trouble. It is worth waiting for quarrels with family, deterioration of relations with a loved one.

Why do the glasses break

If utensils with boiling water or other contents break

The prediction is considered the most truthful if there was any drink in the broken glass.

When a glass of water or juice breaks, conflicts should be expected. Moreover, both parties will be guilty of a quarrel: both the one who dropped the dishes and his opponent. To get around sharp corners in a conversation, you should control what is said. We'll have to learn to control ourselves.

A broken glass of alcohol, splashing on the body and clothes, testifies to mental suffering. It is generally accepted that the higher the degree of the drink poured, the greater the burden of responsibility on the soul. Perhaps doubts and anxiety are yet to be experienced.

For family life, a broken glass of drink promises prosperity, abundance, and a strong marriage.

Break the dishes at the commemoration

According to folk signs, glasses broken at the commemoration of a deceased person are considered a very bad sign. To avoid the fulfillment of a negative prediction, you must immediately sweep all the fragments from the table into a paper bag or bundle. In this case, do not touch the glass with your hands. On top of the broken vessel, treats from the funeral table are added.

As soon as the sun goes down, you should take the bundle to the cemetery and leave it in a place invisible to prying eyes. It is forbidden to look around and talk to anyone. Upon arrival home, you must immediately change your clothes to fresh ones, and wash the removed ones immediately.

Splinter cut

Rite of passage for the bride

When a groom drops a glass at his wedding, it is believed that he will become a drunken alcoholic in the future. To prevent a bad omen, the bride must collect the dropped dishes and their fragments in a scoop with a broom. This must be done as quickly as possible, saying the cherished words: 'you will not come true, you (the name of the groom) cannot sleep.'

To make sure of the bride's innocence, a special ceremony was performed. The future wife was supposed to enter the house of her fiance for the first time and break a glass or other vessel at the entrance. It was believed that if she broke, then the girl saved herself for her beloved. Otherwise, she was shamed and reproached for misbehavior.

Splinter cut

If you happen to get hurt while picking up pieces of broken dishes, this portends a deterioration in well-being. The disease will not be very serious, but unpleasant and long-lasting.

It is necessary to immediately process the cut, and, if possible, sprinkle it with holy water. Reading a prayer can help in warding off negativity. You can prevent such a situation if you collect the fragments not with your bare hands, but with a broom in a scoop.

Rite of passage for the bride

Neutralizing Bad Omens

To prevent the implementation of signs, you should do the following:

  1. Throw away all the dishes broken during the gatherings immediately after the feast. It is best to bury it, but at the maximum distance from your home.
  2. If one of the wedding glasses breaks, you must immediately get rid of the second.
  3. When a mother-in-law or mother-in-law's glass bursts at a wedding, you should give all the fragments to the groom. To avoid negative impact on his young family, he must throw the fragments (always over his left shoulder) as far as possible.

Previously, it was believed that frequent breaking of dishes was the tricks of the Brownie, so the owners of the house tried in every possible way to appease him.

Cracked or chipped dishes should not be stored at home. According to popular beliefs, this is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also dangerous.

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