Folk signs will tell why bread falls on the floor

From time immemorial, bread was considered the main food in the house. Because of this, he was always treated with great respect. Particular attention was paid not only to the very process of its manufacture, but also to handling it, and if the loaf suddenly fell, there was always an explanation. And the signs associated with what bread falls to the floor have not lost their relevance in our days. Rye bread Dropped a loaf of bread on the floor – soon a scandal will break out in your house


The meaning will take about bread is closely related to the circumstances under which it fell.

  1. If you find yourself on the floor while celebrating an event – expect an important status person to visit. It is quite possible that with him he will bring very interesting news.
  2. Half of the bread that fell to the floor during a family dinner promises that a man will soon appear on the doorstep whose visit will not lead to anything good. Most likely, you will hear unpleasant news from him.
  3. Bread pieces fell from the table – the omen says that financial difficulties await you. In this case, the omen associates events with problems at work, which will lead to a decrease in income.
  4. If bread leftovers such as crumbs and crusts are scattered, diseases are possible that will overwhelm family members. According to this sign about bread, treatment will be difficult, and recovery will not come soon. Signs are advised to pay attention to the state of health, and at the slightest discomfort, consult a doctor.
  5. Dropping a loaf on the floor – soon a scandal will break out in your house. According to another sign, such an event promises a bad harvest this year and hunger. However, if she finds herself on the floor during a feast, abrupt changes will occur in life, which promise to be prosperous.

At the wedding

There are also signs about wedding bread – a loaf. There was always a reverent attitude towards him, since this product, according to ancient beliefs, could tell how the life of a new family would develop.

  • If a piece of loaf falls on the floor, then this is an unpleasant omen. It says that your authority in the family will be hopelessly lost, and you risk taking a weak position for many years: you will be subordinate to your other half.
  • A bad sign is a situation when a part of a loaf appears on the floor, from which they have already managed to bite off a little. This promises a person trouble, an attack may happen to him.
  • But worst of all, if a loaf of wedding bread falls to the floor. According to the sign, this promises a lot of quarrels and conflicts in the family. Scandals and showdowns will happen so often that ultimately it will lead to the dissolution of the marriage.

Bread is a product that must be handled with care. After all, if he is on the table, then there is wealth and satiety in the house. But at the same time, you should not take bad omens associated with him to heart. To prevent trouble, be careful and respectful of your bread.

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