Forced medical control

A photo from open sources

Perhaps real-life phenomena of forced medical or other control of a person by forces unknown to us. Investigating the abduction, we do not know everything whether the representatives of the so-called aliens are doing this or is it fishing only for any particular group or race. But the scale the abductions are impressive, recently the American Roper group, specializing in opinion polls, conducted detailed survey among four thousand respondents with the aim find out the abduction figures for the United States. The sample covered mainly the elite. The result for different states ranged from 8 percent to 18. That is, every eighth American or American is kidnapped. A how many respondents preferred to remain silent or give an evasive answer? Not everyone wants to resurrect purely personal, often intimate memories that sometimes cause deep feelings. Some of The technology and psychology of rotational abduction has been shown in the film “Aliens”, made according to the book of an American ufologist Whack Hopkins. The film is so believable that it can use as a tutorial in ufology. For 180 minutes are pictures of violence and vivisection of people by powerful and recognized manipulators. True, not all victims consider themselves miserable. At the end of the film, during interviews of several abductees, one lady, manager for specialty, declares that she is happy that for her purposes the aliens chose her. In the UFO center the processing ends materials of your questionnaire. Along with the application retrospective (regressive) hypnosis, allowing to remove blockade from the memory of the patient who experienced the abduction. Because the it is possible that the essence of rotational abduction is interactions of the biotechnosphere of the Earth (terrestrial living and inanimate nature and technology) with unknown life forms that manifested themselves in the form UFOs, all sorts of aliens and, apparently, in the streams of received individuals do not know where information is coming from. American ufologists earlier began to “unwind” the abduction syndrome and Naturally, more in time. Now overseas began to appear and some summary publications. Building on John’s work Mack, Zna Wright, and others (13 researchers in all) can be cited some statistics of rotational abductions. Analyzed 317 documents (protocols of testimony of abductees, recordings during retrospective hypnosis). Interviewed 27 men, 58 women. AT 10 cases involved both sexes. Total 95 cases. Some of the abducted individuals met with more than one creature (alien) and in different circumstances. A place abduction. In most cases, the place of abduction is the house (more often a bedroom). 15 subjects named other places. 10 of them stolen from cars, and six from beach cabins or from campsites. Invisible presence. 28 percent of subjects are more likely felt the presence of aliens than saw them. This was happening hours, minutes, or seconds before eye contact. In other cases, an invisible presence was felt among different episodes, but there was no close contact, that is, contact of the fourth kind. Recognition manifested itself either as tingling from electricity or a buzz in the head, or like tapping in a room. In some In cases the subject “just knew” that the aliens were present. Close relations. Many subjects recognized their captors from previous abductions – at least one – a factor that ufologist David Ducobs called a “familiar creature.” Of 95 cases, in 34 subjects recognized one or more aliens. In 10 cases, subjects telepathically heard their own name spoken aliens. In 18 cases, the aliens told subjects that they were “selected” and are “special.” Familiar beings heard the name and assurances of a special choice in total met in 44 cases. Types of UFOs related to abduction. Only 55 percent abductees have ever observed an abnormal object (during script abduction or other time). In 31 cases, abducted We saw the following types of UFOs: 22 people saw a disc-shaped; spherical – eight people; cylindrical – six; rectangular – three; oblong – three; asymmetric – one; conical – one. Types of transportation. Most do not remember how their delivered to UFOs and returned back. Four people remembered a small capsule in which they were placed. Most common yet was levitation – moving without any devices, noted in 33 cases. In 17 cases (mainly outside the home) the abducted took to the air with a beam of light. In 20 cases the subject was lifted out of bed and carried through closed windows, door, walls, ceiling. Presence of light, ray stolen while did not see. Dizziness, nausea. 20 subjects felt dizziness or nausea during one of the stages of the abduction. More often it was felt during levitation. The situation with vivisection on a UFO. The first thing the abductees often see is an oblong hall or tunnel. In 35 cases, this tunnel was long enough and winding. Then the abductees enter the room, which resembles an operating room or dentist’s office. Room described in 29 cases as having a round or domed shape. In 18 cases out of 31, white light prevailed in it, in 11 cases – gray, (metal). In three cases, the walls of black were mentioned colors. 32 subjects reported dim lighting on board. In 25 cases a very bright room was mentioned, and in 13 cases – a dim or quite dark. Several subjects met with both options. The decor of the room included variations of ordinary objects for us. One or more tables are marked in 52 cases. Usually table solid, smooth, fairly narrow, on one stand. Sometimes table raised high, lowered low or shaped like a reclining chair. Of the other furniture, items most often present were similar to kitchen shelves, computers, screens. In numbers, it looks like this: tables were seen by 52 people; screens, displays – 17. people; computers – 16 ; chairs – 11; shelves, racks – 10; cabinets – 10; benches – 6. Smells. In 18 cases, subjects noted a specific aroma, unlike ordinary odors. Four smelled their burnt hair or body, and six noted an unpleasant odor emanating from aliens. Meetings with other abductees. In 30 cases, abducted met on a UFO one or two people who, judging by the clothes and behavior, were also abducted. Usually there wasn’t communication. Some believe that they recognized individuals met in previous abductions. Alien skin. Gray (Grays) dominate among the abductors. 38 subjects met with Gray or gray-white, and 19 were described abductees absolutely “white like chlorine. “In 18 cases, the skin of the creatures was dark in color, in 8 cases – blue; green in 7 cases. Creatures with a Luminous Aura marked in 13 cases. Five subjects describe creatures similar to shadows, almost intangible. In 6 cases, the skin was “thin”, translucent. In 17 cases “smooth” was described, “plastic” skin, noted in low creatures as if working type, not higher (“leaders”). 15 subjects met aliens with pronounced wrinkles. They were counted “old” and, apparently, significant figures. 13 subjects felt (more often during a medical examination) alien touch like cool or cold. (The question is, are these creatures warm-blooded by our standards). Total observed 14 skin types. Growth and physique. In 66 cases, subjects talked about growth of kidnappers, but not very likely, as often observations were made from an uncomfortable position on a bed raised on unknown height. However, in 57 cases, one type of alien called the creature of “small” growth – from 3 to 4.5 feet (91.5 cm and 137.25 cm). In 47 cases, higher than previous creature type. In 10 cases, it was said about the “high” type – 6-7 feet tall (183-213.5 cm). 44 subjects testified body structure. In 33 cases, they were “thin”, “fragile” creatures. Two saw creatures with normal human constitution. A ten people talked about creatures that were “muscular”, “squat”, “strong.” Appearance. Big eyes, almond-shaped forms, usually black, have become the norm for creatures in literature. But there are others. In 11 cases of this study a clearly visible pupil was noted, the iris surrounded white field. In three cases there were “cat eyes”, that is vertical pupil. Total: black or dark) – 35 cases; green is four; blue – three; brown – three; golden – two. As for the nose, in 30 cases out of 33, the presence of slight elevation over two small nostrils. In five cases there was no nose and only in one case the nose like us it understand. 20 out of 25 subjects noted that alien mouth makes up a thin line (gap), without lips, or they said that the hole is very small. In three cases, the mouth looked in shape the letter “0”, in two cases there was no mouth. In 25 cases Alien ears were mentioned. 18 people said no ears was seen. Three noticed a hollow on the side of the alien’s head. 6 persons described a special form of a protrusion with a lobe. Alien clothes. At 24 cases it is said that aliens located on a UFO and looking like leaders wore a “bathrobe”, “cloak” or “cloak”. At 23 Cases of tight suits were observed. In 14 cases, aliens that on “minor roles”, were without clothes. Possible error as tight-fitting suits of light color could be mistaken for alien skin. 21 times a dark robe with no definite colors. It was said 18 times about white clothing, six times – silver-shiny color, and four times brown. On clothes there were various stripes, but there is little data for their typing. Nine people saw some kind of logo on tight-fitting suits. Alien movement. A separate type of aliens constantly walks – 31 cases in a house, outdoors, in a UFO, while others “glide” or levitate (25 cases). It happens that one and the same the stranger walks and levitates (ten cases). Were observed shuffling gait (three cases) and jerking movement aftershocks “(two cases). Stiffness of abductees. 61 percent subjects are convinced that they felt some kind of constraint, especially when they were lying on a table in a ship. Can be assumed that other subjects experienced the same effect but did not talk about this one. Four said they were tied to a table. In 51 cases some invisible force “paralyzed” people, in 22 cases it was the effect of complete or partial numbness. Altered consciousness. IN at some point in the abduction, the subject feels a change in consciousness. 16subjects talked about “outside the body” consciousness. which doesn’t look like a condition in which the hypnotist introduces the subject to awaken his memory. This is evidenced by phrases such as “aerial view”, ” outside my body, “” jumped out. “Euthanasia was used at 22 cases. Sometimes it was on board a UFO, and more often before a medical intervention. This was usually the last recalled subject before returning (home, to bed, etc.). In addition, the subjects recall that they felt a state of “amazement”, “embarrassment”; “stunned” or “shocked” for part or all episodes of abduction. This condition was noted in 49 cases, and most likely in others too. Observation and staring point blank. Intentionally looking at a subject aboard a UFO is a common factor in abductions (47 cases). David Jacobs characterizes’ peering point blank “subject as a procedure” scan of consciousness. “From the study it’s difficult to determine if it was a “scrutiny” procedure point blank “or just a watchful look of the guard. Nevertheless an attempt is made to separate these two concepts – “looking point blank” and “control.” In 39 cases, subjects felt staring point blank any one creature that has always been one of “leaders.” In several cases, subjects have stated that so scanning of their mental abilities was carried out. Most abducted this experiment did not like. In seven cases of the subject left one in a UFO for a long time. No one tried to run The head. In 29 cases, it was noted that a certain alien played a leading role. Sometimes it was the one who directed the “external the command “during the abduction. More often it was a” doctor “aboard the UFO, which directed or performed medical manipulations, or “old”, who watched the whole process. This allows you to talk about the existence of a hierarchy among some or all groups of aliens. Verbal communication. Two thirds of subjects out of 95 cases report verbal communication with aliens. In fact, it was telepathy. Some claim that they spoke excellent English with them. language. Others hardly grasped the meaning of the aliens’ thoughts and filled its nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. Sometimes the subject recalls a long conversation on various topics with a certain an alien. The content of the conversations with the abductors was mainly three types: procedural, non-procedural, but related to the event, and post-event. Procedural phrases (or instructions) have always been concise and related directly to the subject. Teams like “quiet,” “calm down, feed the baby,” were typical and met in 25 cases. Non-procedural phrases were not directly related with a specific action. Beliefs of the subject – “all is well”, “we are not we’ll do anything wrong, “met in 35 cases.” Come with us, “” stay here, “” it’s time to come back, “” now sleep, “so met quite often. In general, similar comments were noted in 45 cases. Post-event negotiations noted at 28 cases: “forget”, “you can’t say (to anyone)” and, conversely, “remember” (meeting). Vaguely recalled instructions to execute anything in the future. Characteristics of votes. A fifth of the subjects I heard the distinct voices of the creatures when communicating with each other. At six cases heard a whisper and speech like twittering (apparently, language, in which lacked vowels). Five subjects heard sounds low tones, consisting either of grunts or of mumbling. Neither one subject did not understand any replica made in the language aliens, although there have been attempts to suggest a meaning. Wordless communication. 37 people reported receiving instructions or another information in non-linguistic form. These forms can be divided into 4 Categories: gestures, images, demonstration symbols. Gestures met in four cases. In each, the creature extended its arms up or indicated with a gesture that the subject understood. Images – or on screen, or in holographic form, or projected into the brain subject – met in 28 cases. In nine cases of them an image of an animal (owl or deer) was shown, especially to subjects in childhood, apparently, to mask the appearance of creatures in anticipation of abduction. Onboard UFOs, 12 subjects saw images of the Earth in the past or the future, from dinosaurs to earthquakes, dying forests and nuclear wars. In ten cases, the subject was shown images extraterrestrial world – rocky deserts, strange colors of the sky, whole planets or star systems. Demo category, found in the third part of all cases, includes one or a few tangible things being shown to the subject at some point or when viewing a UFO. The most dramatic is the demonstration Hybrid babies or incubators containing embryos in development. This was seen by 17 subjects. In 12 cases, the subject saw hybrids of children older age or adults. Emotions are similar to human ones. IN counterbalance to the view that aliens are devoid of any emotions, in 54 Percentages of response and behavior similar to human (positive or negative). In 12 cases negative manifestations are noted – irritation or a dispute with the subject or other aliens. Fear was noted in seven cases; upset, sadness, threatening gestures – in two cases; wild behavior in one. Positive emotions were expressed more often: caring, compassion, the manifestation of love – in 25 cases; friendly feelings – in 23 cases; humor including laughter or jokes – in eight, satisfaction from the behavior of the subject – in six. Ten Subjects noted strict, emotionless behavior of the leader. Devices and tools. A “device” is a device intended for certain medical procedures (e.g. body scan subject). It is usually attached to a wall mounted on a moving trolley or hanging from the ceiling. “Tool” is a A small item held in your hand, such as a syringe with a needle. 46 subjects saw one or more devices, and 44 described instruments. In general, instruments and tools were present in 61 percent of all cases. The subject is not twisted joints and not insert probes into the body. Medical intervention is carried out devices and tools. Samples. 12 subjects recalled that aliens took tissue samples: scrapings from the ankles, arms, legs and inside mouth, cut off pieces of nails and hair; straight and round cuts used to take tissue. Surely many subjects, but it is strange that few have remembered this. Sensation pains. It is believed that severe pain is a common symptom with loved ones. contacts. However, in 58 percent of cases this was not mentioned. IN 40 cases it was not pain in the whole body, but in separate parts him: skull – 13; nose – 5; ear – 5; back-liver – 7. Local pain may mean implantation (implantation or removal of something). In many descriptions say that the body was implanted small objects or, conversely, cloth taken without causing any inconvenience to the subject. Half of the subjects recall a number genital issues. This is taking sperm from men and egg production in women, fetal removal and sexual moments orgasm. Seven men and youths recalled that on their genitals put the device, after which there was an immediate excitement and erection. Most of this episode was not a pleasure. Necessary note that in 30 other cases of abduction of men this procedure does not mentioned. Of 68 women, 43 remember gynecological procedures. It is still difficult to draw conclusions about the objectives of these experiments. In only 13 cases, men and women recalled an orgasm with pleasure. Direct consequences. One third of the subjects speak of physical consequences. Bleeding from the nose was noted at 13 cases, and scars, cuts – in 12, half of them were on the foot or the knee. It is curious that in four cases the subject was told or he he himself “concluded that alien reconstructive surgery may solve many serious medical problems. Curious numbers: 13 people experienced nosebleeds; scars remained at 12; headaches – 6 cases, cure – 4 people … Obviously, UFOs will not soon land near Red Square, and photojournalists will not will be able to photograph the alien walking along the cobblestones. Phenomenon conceived in such a way as to constantly lead us beyond the bounds of reality. And then what the instruments recorded, and the data obtained as a result retrohypnosis, may mean another camouflage unknown intelligent forces, a disguised mystery leading us away from the right understanding of what is happening, from understanding the mission that is being carried Aliens on Earth, abducting and returning people.

Earthquake Time Levitation

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