A photo from open sources
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellier did another startling statement giving interviews to reporters Russian information channel “RT”. 94 year old man reported to our compatriots that the representatives of extraterrestrial from ancient times civilizations visit the Earth. Moreover, aliens, by ex-official said, repeatedly provoked international crises and by all means supported the Cold War.
Paul tells us that at least four varieties of intelligent extraterrestrial humanoids constantly fly to our “blue ball”, and their representatives are constantly present on Earth. Higher authorities earthly states have direct contact with the “green men” and fulfill all their requirements. The conspiracy of the powers that be alien goes, according to the Canadian, deep into the centuries, however, even Hellier, despite his high position, failed to find out what exactly aliens need from our race.
A man led Canada’s national defense in the 1960s, in the height of the cold war. In 1995, for the first time, he shocked the whole the world, telling people the truth about aliens and their connection with higher politicians. Since then, Hellier has become a very authoritative figure. among experts in the field of ufology, conspiracy theology and exopolitics. IN in a recent interview with RT, he said that in 1961 the USSR �visited about 50 alien ships, and in southern Russia even there was a base where “flying saucers” could easily stop. Paul’s three-year investigation allowed him find out that sentient beings come to Earth from various star systems, however our hero for lack of a big picture I could not see access to top-secret information.
Canadian ex-secretary of defense says:
Some aliens are friendly to us, others – it is hostile, while others are neutral. Some of them fly to Earth from the constellation Grids, some from the Andromeda nebula, some from one of Saturn’s moons (however, it could be transshipment base). Aliens have their own federations and the laws. They intervene in earthly affairs just as we intervene in insects, that is, they can do anything with us, but in their task is not to destroy us. However, those humanoids who tuned to us more friendly, more than once tried to warn human civilization that it follows a dangerous path self-destruction, truth without forcing anyone. As you can see it hasn’t worked yet. And aliens do more for us, rather of all, they cannot, because they are guided by some higher the laws of the universe, perhaps the law of free will …
War Russia