Former Pentagon official tells viewers CNN channel about aliens

Former Pentagon official tells CNN viewers about aliensA photo from open sources

Former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo in a great interview for CNN said that the aliens are actually US military has enough evidence to the truth, all this evidence is hiding from a wide the public.

Until last fall, Elizondo was the head of the secret a program that studies real threats to the United States with side of aliens. The purpose of this government project was collection of any information about UFOs and aliens. Officials received it with using witness interviews, as well as applying all kinds of Pentagon military hardware.

This is how Louis himself talks about it:

We dug up a lot of things and found, for example, the military pilots constantly faced UFOs that easily ignored not not only the laws of aerodynamics, but also the laws of physics in general, since could fly and maneuver at incredible speeds, just disappear from our reality, nowhere to appear and much more – absolutely fantastic. There are no such devices in the USA or in any other country in the world, even in Russia, if any of Americans are afraid of this.

Luis Elizondo also confirmed that in 1947 under the city Roswell in the desert was actually shot down by a UFO, as evidenced by many military reports that he himself read and saw. All these witnesses simply signed non-disclosure documents secrets, however mysterious events somehow leaked into the “yellow” press and, ultimately, became public. IN former official confirming his words Pentagon showed CNN pictures to viewers mysterious metal that was found at the shipwreck aliens under Roswell.

A photo from open sources

Here is a sensational interview (see below). And it is might have had the effect of an exploding bomb, if before this on the Internet did not flash videos about the pursuit of fighters United States Air Force for UFOs that the Pentagon also provided in the form of removing the secrecy stamp from certain materials relating to aliens. What is this, a coincidence?

Conspirologists do not believe in such accidents, especially from the outside US governments, which, presumably, are also illuminati. Proponents of conspiracy theory believe that these stuffing with the parties of the world elite set as their goal the preparation of people’s consciousness to something important and global, for example, the long-awaited official contact with aliens, which, quite possibly, It will be far from a holiday for earthlings, but the greatest tragedy …

Russia USA

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