Former US Air Force captain: UFO destroyed 10 nuclear rockets

Former US Air Force captain: UFO destroyed 10 nuclear missilesA photo from open sources

Captain david shindel led solid fuel ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles “LGM-30 Minuteman” at the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. It was 50 years ago, but the former military is only now decided to tell the world about the amazing incident that happened to him in the service.

UFO attracts nuclear weapons

An elderly American claims that an unidentified aircraft the facility approached the base and disabled 10 nuclear warheads, for which Shindel was responsible. Higher ranks immediately banned to the captain to disseminate this information. About this witness tells in his book, “This Never Happened, Part I,” recently published. As a name for the work, the author used the phrase that the management then told him: “You I saw nothing, this never happened. ”

During the incident of December 6, 1966, David was at the center. missile launch control near the city of Mojolla. Shindel stirred on the Minot from July 1965 to May 1968.

A senior citizen told the media: “A lot of military clashed on American bases with an inexplicable. Especially those related to the rockets. Each witness was held individually conversation and strictly forbidden to tell anyone about their observations. Then many of us did not even suspect that they are not the only UFO witnesses however the truth has now begun surfacing and more and more former military men find courage tell the public about what happened then. We even we are organizing annual meetings now and are sharing this information over a beer. ”

Schindel notes that the writing of the book was prompted by a note in Internet, which caught his eye several years ago. Another missile is Captain Robert Salas, who once served on the air base “Malmstrom” in Montana, – wrote that in 2001 year observed in the night sky over the camp several glowing bright balls.

A photo from open sources

It took David and six and a half years to contact many other military men, share with them their knowledge of aliens and prepare all the necessary materials for writing books. For his safety, the new writer is not too worried because the American government, in his opinion, is unlikely to spend energy on a showdown with a pensioner, whom can simply be called a lunatic or glorious liar.

Why the US government is hiding the truth about aliens?

The man writes: “The United States authorities are hiding the presence of on Earth alien flying objects and aliens themselves. I I can only guess how the situation is with others parts of the planet, however, I know for sure that “flying saucers” very interested in our nuclear weapons. I witnessed how just a UFO was enough to fly to the base to completely disable ten of the most valuable nuclear warheads. When I found that a lot of rockets from various American military bases observed similar phenomena for their service, then decided conduct a thorough investigation and determine why us forced to be silent. Each of us had the highest security clearance. objects and nuclear weapons, we signed various papers on non-disclosure of secrets, however this was still not enough for that we were told the whole truth. Now I decided to find her myself. ”

Telling British journalists about his work, a former captain drew a line: “There can be no ethical, moral or any other reasons why the truth should be hidden from of humanity. This is not a national issue, but a global one. security, and no state simply has the right to keep similar secrets. ”

David currently lives in Mekilteo with his wife Diana, whom he has been married for 20 years, as well as 4 adult children and 8 grandchildren. He grew up in an agglomeration Seattle-Tacoma Bellevue and graduated from Washington State University after what he entered the army. He is already many years old, and he is not afraid to speak the truth. Unfortunately, former captain Schindel admits, talking the truth in our society is unsafe …

US missiles

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