Fresh UFO Videos

Fresh UFO VideosPhotos from open sources

Modern gadgets allow you to easily remove unidentified flying objects in the video, why such evidence UFOs are getting bigger and bigger. By the way, and quality The video footage is improving every year.

And although the videos become irrefutable evidence the presence on Earth of an alien mind, authorities and the military almost all countries continue to make a secret of it, and UFO witnesses ascribe to lunatics, hoaxers or just inventors. Skeptics also provide them with some help in this. of which there are many even among the fully educated population of the planet. So that “Thomas are unbelievers”, at least recognize the fact on whose mill you pour water …

A photo from open sources

Father accidentally caught in camera lens while shooting daughter in airplane UFO

Flying on a plane with nine year old daughter Georgia from Manchester to the Canary Islands, Briton David Woodward decided to film his favorite right on the plane – for her channel on video hosting YouTube

During this shoot, the girl talked to the camera about which beautiful clouds beneath them, what a blue sky looks at them from porthole and how good it is in her soul. And then … David noticed strange black object (see video) in the wing area of ​​the aircraft. UFO was moving with some unnatural jerks, but most importantly – very quickly, so his flight was imprinted on the video as it says just for a moment.

However, even this greatly excited the Briton, who before when I didn’t even assume that unidentified flying objects ever catch his eye, and even more so in his lens cameras. True, at first he thought it was a bird, but right there dropped this version — the plane was flying at an altitude of about 21 thousand meters above the ground.

However, if I’m personally even very excited, the British writes, then my daughter took it surprisingly calmly, as if encounters similar phenomena daily. In spite of some disagreement over what happened, David and Georgia, living in county Merseyside, decided to figure out what it is it was really like that. They sent one of the copies of the video aviation experts, another – marked up on the Internet. It seems that the dispatchers are unlikely to help them, but the ufologists the video was clearly interesting …

Two UFOs fly over Australia

Adelaide South Australian resident Dean Bennett shared with the regulars of the Internet an interesting video on which captured two UFOs flying in the metropolis area.

Dean left the house early in the morning and turned on the video on his smartphone hoping to capture the beauty of an awakening day. However in this time two strange objects flashed over his head, and they were very bright, moving across the sky with great speed and didn’t make the slightest noise.

A photo from open sources

Later, after analyzing accidentally shot UFOs, Dean determined that they covered about ten kilometers per second, i.e. their speed was just fantastic, and given the soundlessness of such a flight, then all doubts disappear that these are unearthly devices.

Australia is generally a unique continent in terms of UFOs, they are seen here unusually often. Ufologists attribute this to the fact that in the ocean near Australia has alien submarine bases, more than once here saw how “flying saucers” emerge from the water or, conversely, go to the deep sea. Despite this, it’s possible to remove the UFO quite rarely, and getting a good video – even less so …

Australia Time Aircraft

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