From the surface of the moon soared enormous size UFO

A colossal UFO has soared from the surface of the moonA photo from open sources

A certain Matt Beland was an eyewitness to take off from the natural Earth satellite unidentified flying object incredible sizes. Moreover, this man noticed not with a telescope, but with the unarmed eye, being near the place of his service.

At the beginning of this year, he went away from work in the evening and saw in the sky is a bright round “Wolf Moon”. Our hero took out his smartphone and began to shoot on video this is quite rare and very impressive a natural phenomenon. It was then that Matt noticed that from the closest to us a colossal body separated a colossal aircraft or some mysterious UFO. Struck by his discovery, Beland laid out received video on the Web and wrote to Internet users following:

So, I worked hard all day and at some the moment finally decided to go outside for a smoke. When i ended up outside, I noticed how beautiful the Moon was at that moment. I took phone and began to capture the night light on the camera. I do not believed his eyes when he saw that from the surface of the moon took off huge UFO. It was so big and bright that it’s beautiful recorded on video (see for yourself). Can anybody explain to me what is it? Maybe flying against the background of the lunar disk a plane or some satellite that I mistook for “flying plate “? I never believed in aliens, but now I don’t even I know what to think. Are they already there and can at any moment make contact with us?

World Wide Web users have differently evaluated this video plot. In any case, it’s a UFO, whatever it is represented. But did he take off from the moon? Too much he huge. The most interesting is the following a comment:

If it even flew a regular meteor or some another natural cosmic or terrestrial object (apparatus), then given It wasn’t for Beland that he believed in UFOs and aliens. Congratulations, Matt, it’s made you closer to this occasion. enlightened. God give you such meetings in further! ..


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